Coronavirus: Széchenyi István University has taken the necessary measures

From news sources we know that in recent weeks a new strain of coronavirus has started to spread in China and has appeared in several parts of the world. To date, it has caused the death of over a hundred people. The virus has not yet appeared in Hungary.

The Centre of International Programmes at Széchenyi István University and the Foreign Affairs Committee of the University Student Council are in constant contact with our East Asian students. In dealing with this matter, our university follows the recommendations of the controlling authorities, the competent institutions and the National Centre for Public Health.

The initial symptoms of the disease do not differ from those of upper respiratory viral infections such as influenza. There is no drug against the virus, no antibiotics can be used against it, and experts are currently working on developing a vaccine. The most effective method against its spread, known since Ignác Semmelweis, is frequent hand washing and we can protect ourselves by observing the rules of hygiene. Széchenyi István University has also taken the necessary steps in this regard: it has acquired special hand disinfectants which have been placed in the toilets on the University’s campuses.

The WHO Facebook page highlights these basic rules:

  • frequent hand washing, preferably with alcohol-based disinfectant soap;
  • use of handkerchiefs for sneezing and coughing, followed by thorough hand washing;
  • avoiding contact with patients with a fever;
  • in case of fever,  visiting a doctor and providing information on previous trips abroad;
  • avoiding markets selling live or slaughtered animals in areas where the new coronavirus has already appeared;
  • avoiding the consumption of raw or improperly heat treated food of animal origin.

The Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has designated the whole of the entire Chinese Hupei Province in the “not recommended for travel" security category and has also published the contact details of the Hungarian Embassy in Beijing. This may be important for Hungarian citizens staying in China. The Embassy's permanent emergency number is: +86 137 0138 2159 on which help and information can be obtained. Also, the Consular Service has set up a separate coronavirus page, which provides up-to-date information here.

In addition, the National Centre for Public Health website can keep you up to date on what symptoms are important to watch out for, what you should avoid, as well as how and where the virus spreads.

Széchenyi István University provides continuous information on the coronavirus situation via its own communication channels.

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