Prestigious awards presented at the 15th March ceremony of Széchenyi István University

Széchenyi István University has commemorated the Revolution and Civil War of 1848-49 with a dignified ceremony. Doctorates were also inaugurated then, and the institution’s prestigious awards were presented to those who made a major contribution to the development of the institution with their work.

‘There is an important lesson that we can learn from the youth of March: the power of the common will with which they could lead the nation’s affairs to victory. Széchenyi István University was also created with a common will, and its dynamic development since the beginning is the result of cooperation and collective action for a common goal’, Professor dr. Ferenc Friedler, the rector and vice president for academic affairs of the university said in his ceremonial speech. Among the achievements of teamwork, he made a special mention of the world record victory of the SZEnergy student team in the international energy efficiency competition, which was based on the cooperation of team members. ‘This also characterizes the new operational model of our university which is built on cooperation’, he emphasized. He added that the insitution represents eleven disciplines which increasingly form a synergistic unit with each other, thus working together for development.


Professor dr. Friedler Ferenc, the rector and vice president for academic affairs of the university underlined that the insitution represents eleven disciplines which increasingly form a synergistic unit with each other, thus working together for development. (Photo: Májer Csaba József)


‘The university does not operate in isolation, it operates together with its environment, supporting the competitiveness of the region, responding to the needs of the industry and providing students with real knowledge and skills that are relevant in the labour market. Of course, we do not make it available only to the young people of our country, as now we have a student community of seventy nationalities. The increasing number of English language courses serve both the international students coming to us and the international competitiveness of the Hungarian students”, he highlighted and thanked all those who have contributed to the development of the university through their value-creating work.

‘Our university takes advantage of multidisciplinarity to compete with national and international competititors. We are building our vision on sustainable development and advanced technology: we would like to excel in this and to stimulate the strengthening of the region’s competitiveness and the increase of global knowledge”, said Professor dr. Palkovics László, the chair of the Board of Trustees of Széchenyi István University Foundation in his speech and he also emphasized the broad cooperation which results in the dynamic development of the university.

The chairman mentioned the Hungarian government as one of the partners which is continuously supporting the implementation of the developments of Széchenyi University. Recently it has provided new opportunities to achieve outstanding international technological results.

Professor dr. Palkovics László, the chair of the Board of Trustees of Széchenyi István University Foundation (Photo: Májer Csaba József)


Professor dr. Palkovics László listed several milestones, including the Zalaegerszeg Innovation and Training Centre, the Science and Innovation Park in Győr, the Health Technology Campus and the realization of Smart Farm in Mosonmagyaróvár. He stressed that the value of the Széchenyi degree is becoming more and more evident, which is shown by the fact that 40 percent more people nominated the university as their first choice than a year ago.

He added that this is not only an acknowledgement, but also responsibility at the same time which commits the institution to further development. ‘Thus we will be able to promote excellence in even greater numbers, to contribute to technological development, to the strengthening of the region’s economy and to sustainable future. We are counting on the commitment of all university citizens in this work’, the chair of the Board of Trustees concluded.


After the toasts, the ceremony continued with the presentation of awards. The Governing Board of Széchenyi István University awarded Palma Academica award to dr. Bihari Mihály, professor emeritus of Széchenyi István University, the founder of Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. Bihari Mihály, who turns 80 this year, is credited with the work that led to the establishment of a university-level training and law faculty in Győr, and played a decisive role in the composition of the academic teaching staff of the legal training in Győr and its formation into a real community.

Prestigious awards were presented at the ceremony. The event was enhanced by the the performance of the students of the Faculty of Performance Arts. (Photo: Májer Csaba József)


Professor dr. Komlósi László, who has served the development of the institution in a number of leadership positions, was awarded the title of Professor emeritus. He is a founding member of the Department of Leadership and Organizational Communication supported by Audi, he was the university’s vice-rector for international relations between June 2015 and September 2017, then the rector’s envoy for international cooperation until August 2019. Professor dr. Komlósi László has been the program director of the English language Doctoral Program in Business and Management Sciences since September 2019. He has made signifcant effort for students’ advancement and to support their researches.


The Pro Universitate award is intended to recognize the work of university staff, citizens, public figures supporting the university who have greatly contributed to the achievement of the institution’s goals and to the enhancement of its reputation, prestige and esteem. The Pro Universitate award was presented to dr. Lajtay György for his work for the health of the citizens of Széchenyi István University for half a century, to Wurst Erzsébet for the successful management of the national policy activity realized together with the professionals of Apáczai Csere János Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, as well as to Váginé Varga Zsuzsanna for her dedicated work to the university over several decades, for her leading role in building and running the modern HR processes and HR system.


The Citizen of Merit of Széchenyi István University was awarded to dr. Égert János, professor emeritus, the former dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Informatics and Electrical Engineering, to Mészáros István, master trainer of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Informatics and Electrical Engineering, and to dr. Varga Zoltán, retired university associate professor, a colleague of the Vehicle Industry Research Centre.

Doctoral inaugurations

After the performance of the Faculty of Performance Arts, doctorate titles were received by Dudás Alexander (supervisor: dr. Hanula Barna associate professor), Hári László Róbert (supervisor: dr. Földesi Péter university professor), Somosné Strommer Diána (supervisor: dr. Földesi Péter university professor), Treszkai Marcell Ferenc (supervisor: dr. Feszty Dániel university professor), Berki Borbála (supervisor: dr. Baranyi Péter university professor), Drotár István (supervisor: dr. Kuczmann Miklós university professor), Garai Lőrinc (supervisor: dr. Horváth András associate professor), Ujbányi Tibor (supervisors: dr. Baranyi Péter university professor, and dr. Kővári Attila associate professor), Kanizsár Szilárd Sándor (supervisors: dr. Szepesházi Róbert retired associate professor, and dr. Richard Ray university professor), Padmaka Dilukshan Mirihagalla (supervisor: dr. Vastag Gyula university professor), Géczi Gergely (supervisor: dr. Komlósi László Imre university professor), Kevin Jackson (supervisor: dr. Konczosné dr. Szombathelyi Márta university professor), Kézai Petra Kinga (supervisors: dr. Konczosné dr. Szombathelyi Márta university professor, and dr. Rechnitzer János professor emeritus), Santi Setyaningsih (supervisor: dr. Kelle Péter university professor), Sneider Tamás (supervisor: dr. Komlósi László Imre university professor), Venesz Béla (supervisor: dr. Dőry Tibor associate professor), dr. Bors Szilvia (supervisor: dr. Ferencz Jácint associate professor), Veilandics Eszter (supervisor: dr. Gurdon-Nagy Klára associate professor), Gubó Eduard (supervisors: dr. Szakál Pál professor emeritus, and dr. Plutzer Judit advocate general), Kolejanisz Tamás (supervisors: prof. dr. Pinke Gyula university professor; and dr. Vér András senior research fellow), Zakar Mihály (supervisors: prof. dr. Keszthelyi-Szabó Gábor university professor, and Hanczné dr. Lakatos Erika associate professor).

The ceremony was an occasion worthy of inaugurating doctorates. (Photo: Májer Csaba József)


The Habilitation Committee of Széchenyi István University awarded dr. Ferencz Jácint, the head of the Department of Labour Law and Social Law of Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, the habilitated doctorate.


The Senate of Széchenyi István University donated the title of honorary associate professor to dr. Teiter Zoltán and the title of honorary university professor to dr. Bukoveczky György. Kéri Lajos, Marton Gábor, Tóth Ákos and Székely Tamás became titular master trainers.


The gold degree of the certificate of recognition of the Governing Board was awarded to dr. Szörényi Miklós, retired associate professor of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Informatics and Electrical Engineering, to prof. dr. Dusek Tamás, university professor of the Department of Statistics, Finances and Controlling, head of the Doctoral School of Regional Sciences and Business Administration, to Baudentisztl Ferenc, editor-in-chief of the Alumni Magazine of Széchenyi István University, to Kovácsné dr. Tóth Ágnes, associate professor of the Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences, to dr. Borbély Katalin, associate professor of Kautz Gyula Faculty of Business and Economics, to dr. Happ Éva, associate professor of Kautz Gyula Faculty of Business and Economics.

The Aula of Széchenyi István University was full of celebrants. (Photo: Májer Csaba József)

The silver degree of the certificate of recognition of the Governing Board was awarded to dr. Bartók Judit police major, head of the Department of Licensing at the Western-Transdanubian Regional Directorate of the National Directorate General for Aliens Policing and to dr. Feller Gábor, head of the Department of Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addiction at Petz Aladár University Hospital.


The management of Széchenyi István University gives the Pro Educatione Award to colleagues who have demonstrated outstanding teaching excellence and provided excellent teaching activity over a long period of time. This award was presented to Zborovján Ferencné, expert of the Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences, to dr. Giczi Ferenc, associate professor of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Informatics and Electrical Engineering, to dr. Horváth Péter, associate professor of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Informatics and Electrical Engineering and to Bodrossy Attila, associate professor of the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport Sciences.


The Excellent Mentor Award was presented to Professor dr. Sulyok Gábor, university professor and to dr. Gajzágó Gergő, adjunct professor, while dr. Kőrösiné Szigethy Zsuzsanna, master trainer of Department of Nursing and Medical Care at the Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences, Fehér Enikő, co-worker at the Accounting and Controlling Department of the Directorate for Finance and Accounting, Nagy András, assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport Sciences, Kovács Márta, co-worker at the Adult Training and Competency Development Centre, Somosfalviné Fehér Gabriella, deputy director of Öveges Kálmán Practicing Primary School of Széchenyi István University and Vámosné Kapitány Gabriella, teacher of Szent-Györgyi Albert Technical and Vocational School of Health and Social Sciences could receive the Excellent Colleague Award. The Student-Friendly University Award was presented to dr.Szücs Petra Katalin, adjunct professor of the Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences and to Farkasné dr. Csengei Zsuzsanna faculty secretariat referent for Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences.


Retiring staff members dr. Pap János, dr. Kovács János, dr. Bakcsa Flórián, dr. Nyéki Lajos and dr. Beke Péter were also saluted during the ceremony. Colleagues who had 25 years of service to the institution could also receive the Széchenyi István University Service Award.

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