Rector’s-Chancellor’s Circular no. 4/2020.


1. General information:

On 11 March 2020, at 15:00, there entered into force the 40/2020. (III. 11.) Government Decree on the declaration of the public health crisis, by which the Government of Hungary declared a public health crisis for the whole territory of Hungary in the interests of averting the consequences of the human epidemic causing mass disease and endangering life and property, and to protect the health and life of Hungarian citizens.

On 12 March 2020, Government Decree 41/2020 (III. 11.) entered into force (hereinafter: Decree) on the measures imposed during the public health crisis to prevent and eliminate the consequences of the human epidemic causing mass disease and endangering life and property, and to protect the health and life of Hungarian citizens.

The text of the above two laws can be found at

The general, current procedure is still available on the official website of the National Centre for Public Health at More information can be found at .

Please note that increased compliance with hygiene and other preventive measures is required.

2. Provisions relating to particular areas of activity:

2.1. Education

Except for the provisions in section 2.2, students are prohibited from entering University buildings. Due to the situation with the global epidemic, The Rector and the Chancellor of Széchenyi István University order a spring break from 12 March to 22 March 2020. During the spring break, teaching and continuous assessment are suspended. For university staff, work days during the spring break are considered as non-teaching work days.

From 23 March 2020, the transition from teaching to distance education is required. It is also prohibited during distance education for students to enter the premises of higher education institutions.

During the semester in question, students are to be exempted from written tests in all subjects, including those based on continuous assessment.

Compulsory internships lasting more than 6 weeks and dual training internships that are in progress at the external internship centre can be completed if the internship placement accepts the student. Internal internships (within the University) will be suspended. 


During the spring break and during the period of distance education, civil servants are required to work continuously. The validity of the published academic year schedule remains unaltered. Students will be informed seperately concerning the method and details of distance education.

Completion of the compulsory semester of physical education (criterion requirement) is suspended during the period of the public health crisis.

2.2. Hall of Residence

Students must move out of the University Halls of Residence immediately, but no later than 13:00 on Friday, 13 March 2020. Students will be sent an official communication by the University concerning the expected date of moving back. International students may continue to stay in the Halls of Residence. International students are those supported by the Hungarian State (Stipendium Hungaricum and Christian Scholarship Programme), those admitted via the SZE admission procedure ( outside the system, and exchange programme students (eg ERASMUS +, CEEPUS), as well as those students received under other bilateral or multilateral institutional agreements, arrangements or projects.

Our staff members with civil servant status living in the Halls of Residence do not have to leave.


2.3 Educational Administration

Electronic procedures will be applied to all student administration. The student cards of Hungarian students remain valid for 15 days after the end of the public health crisis. For international students, the Centre of International Programmes will assist in the validation of student cards.

2.4. Travel

Our students are asked not to travel abroad during the public health crisis, and preferably to remain at their place of residence.

All official overseas travel for employees, regardless of source, is cancelled. It is not possible to make further bookings. In order to minimise losses on trips already booked, please cooperate officially with the University.

If you are taking an official or private overseas trip when the circular enters into force, upon your arrival home, immediately contact your line manager by email or phone and check the possibility of working from home for 2 weeks from the date of your arrival home.

For previously booked private trips, similar to those described above, make arrangements for working from home for 2 weeks from the date of your arrival home.

If, in the above cases, it is not possible to work from home at the discretion of the line manager, the two week absence shall be considered as a certified absence. Department managers are obliged to ensure the functioning of the department by organising tasks flexibly.

2.5. Receiving visitors at the University

Guests from abroad are not permitted. Please use your discretion when receiving external guests from Hungary, and only if absolutely necessary. Wherever possible, communication with external partners should be carried out online or over the phone. In the event of a personal meeting, please try to have as few participants as possible.

2.6. Order of operation of university buildings

Entering University buildings is only possible with the presentation / use of an employee card or contractee  lecturer card. The opening hours of the buildings will be published on

2.7. Events

All events at Széchenyi István University are cancelled or, if possible, will be held at a later date. This includes all programmes organized centrally or by departments, as well as by the Student Union and its subdivisions.

3. Special provisions for public education institutions maintained by the University

The provisions of this circular apply to the public education institutions maintained by the University, namely the Öveges Kálmán Teaching Practice Primary School and the Szent-Györgyi Albert Health and Social Vocational School, with the exceptions set out in this section.

Teaching in the above institutions is continuing. School trips abroad must be cancelled, and such trips cannot be organized at a later date. Pupils staying at home as requested and certified by parents constitutes a certified absence.

4. Final provisions: In the event of a change in the situation concerning the epidemic, we will provide information in a further circular. Please monitor the university communication interfaces.

This circular becomes effective on the date it is published and is effective until revoked.


Győr, 12 March 2020


Dr Péter Földesi                                                                              Dr. Bálint Filep

Rector                                                                                                 Chancellor

H-9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. 


(Administration Building 103.)

0036/96/613-700, 0036/503-419

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Monday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Tuesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Wednesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Thursday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Friday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00