Rector’s – Chancellor’s circular no. 7/2020

Supplement to the Education Regulations, modification of the schedule of the academic year, formation of the framework of distance examination

University education was transformed from 23 March 2020 as a result of the state of emergency due to the coronavirus epidemic. Education has been going on in the form of distance education in all programmes independent of the type of training. Due to the altered conditions, the management of the university, in consultation with the Union of Students modifies with temporarily supplements the Education and Examination Regulations and the Doctoral Education and Examination Regulations of Doctoral Schools of Széchenyi István University, as well as the schedule of the academic year regarding the spring semester in the following points:

Changes of the schedule of the spring semester of the 2019/20 academic year:

  1. The examination period ends on 11 July 2020.
  2. The end of the final examination period is also modified to 11 July 2020, except in the case of law students where it lasts until 25 July 2020.
  3. The deadline of submitting the thesis work has not been changed, but everybody is automatically granted a two-week extension of the deadline, which can be obtained based on on the internal consultant’s opinion in this affair.

Supplement of certain passages of the Education and Examination Regulations (EER):


1. Exemption from the requirements of preliminary studies: in the case of subjects which cannot be taught in the form of distance education (teaching practice and other internships), it therefore has become impossible to complete them in the spring semester of the 2019/20 academic year  (henceforth: inaccessible subjects), the competent Dean may make a proposal in relation to the temporary suspension of the requirements of preliminary studies concerning the first semester of the 2020/21 academic year, which then needs to be accepted by the Senate. The proposal may refer to the fact that in the autumn semester of the 2020/21 academic year students could take the inaccessible subjects of the present semester concurrently with the subjects based on them in this exceptional case. This course of action may only be available in the autumn semester of the 2020/21 academic year. (EER 7.§ and 39.§ (7))


2. Suspension of transfer: the transfer between Hungarian scholarship and fee-paying trainings is going to be suspended for the 2019/20 academic year. The application for the “Modification of the form of financing” (between fee-paying and subsidized) can still be submitted via the NEPTUN system in the period indicated in the schedule of the academic year (20 - 25 April 2020) (EER 10., 10/A., 10/B., 10/C. §).

3. Suspension of the termination of student status: in the second semester of the 2019/20 academic year the student status is not going to be terminated in the case of students who

  • 17.§ (2) a) - have not obtained 30 credit points at a Bachelor’s, Master’s and single undivided training and 15 credit points at an advanced vocational programme or higher vocational training by the end of the second current semester of their studies,
  • 17.§ (2) b) - in the case of trainings which are longer than 4 semesters and have not obtained 60 credit points by the end of the fourth current semester of their studies,
  • 17.§ (2) c) - in a given course that has more than 30 insufficient and unsatisfactory grades in a Bachelor’s training, 15 in the Master’s, 35 in the single undivided trainings (including the replacement of continuous assessment subjects in the examination period) and if they do not have 80% of the total credit points as stated in their course curriculum,
  • 17.§ (2) g) - the number of active and passive semesters together is twice as much as the academic training period,
  • 17.§ (2) p) - the number of passive semesters amounts to the number of semesters signifying the period of training for the given major,
  • 17.§ (2) i) - the spring semester of the 2019/20 academic year does not have to be considered in the application of 17.§ (2) i)4. .

4. Internal move, within the university: in the second semester of the 2019/20 academic year a transfer will not be declined during the evaluation of application for an internal move if the student does not meet the following requirements:

a) they have already obtained at least 30 credit points in their own major at the time of the submission of application and
b) they do not have more than 10 unsatisfactory grades (including the replacement of continuous assessment subjects in the examination period). (EER 27.§ (2))

5. Writing (mid- or end-term) tests: it is not possible to have students write tests in the second semester of the 2019/20 academic year. Furthermore, in the second semester of the 2019/20 academic year a test or tests cannot be considered the condition of a signature (EER 61.§ (1)).

6. Evaluation system

  • Signature: The deadline for recording the end-term signature (signed/refusal) has remained unchanged: it is still the last day of the study term, except for the subjects where the signature indicates the completion of the subject (e.g., Physical Education subjects, certain subjects of the Doctoral Schools). In these case the deadline of recording has been modified to 23 May 2020.
  • Continuous assessment, report (2, 3, and 5 grade assessment): The deadline of recording the grades for subjects with such forms of assessment has been modified to 11 July 2020.
  • Examination: In the case of courses with an examination, the date of recording the recommended grades has been modified to 23 May 2020. The results of the examinations that have been announced and held must still be recorded no later than the third day after the given examination.

7. Venue of the examination: examinations can be held off the university campus, as well as in the official rooms of the campus. (EER 68.§ (2))

8. Requirements of Physical Education: in the case that the state of emergency does not provide any opportunities to meet or to make up for the subject requirements until the end of the examination period, the Physical Education subjects taken for the spring semester of the 2019/20 academic year must be considered completed.

9. Practical subjects, laboratory subjects: in the case of subjects where the education with normal presence cannot be replaced by distance education, the subjects can be done up to 31 August 2020, as long as the dissolution of the state of emergency makes it possible. These subjects must be considered completed by the student in the spring semester of the 2019/20 academic year.


10. Final examination: on the basis of the Government decree 101/2020 (10 April 2020) certain measures need to be taken in the event that the state of emergency affects higher education institutions and students, as a result final examinations are to be organised at the University with the following modifications. During the state of emergency the University shall be permitted to depart from the provisions related to the composition of the final examination boards, in regard to the number of the members of the final examination boards and in the appointment of external members of the board. The board is minimally composed of the chairperson of the final examination board and at least one other member, moreover, it is to be set up in a way that at least one of the members is a professor or university lecturer, or associate professor or college associate professor. The final examination must be organised in a way that it shall not require any personal contact during the examination, and a distance of 1.5 meters must always be maintained between all individuals.

If there is a need for the students who will not be able to complete their thesis work by the extended deadline due to special conditions concerning the epidemiological situation (corporate topic or laboratory measurements) and thus, cannot obtain their pre-degree certificates in the current semester but will be able to submit the thesis work by 31 August 2020 then the University will provide an opportunity for them to pass the final examination in the framework of an additional final examination period in September. The autumn semester will be provided free of charge for the students who will have to enrol for the autumn semester only for the credit points related to the degree project, regardless of any other status.


Supplement of certain passages of the Education and Examination Regulations of Doctoral Schools:


11. Regulations affecting the doctoral programmes:

  • The spring semester of the 2019/20 academic year does not have to be considered during the application of Section 53 (4) of the National Higher Education Act, which states that doctoral students must submit a doctoral thesis within three years of the complex examination, as defined by the doctoral regulations. According to the doctoral regulations this deadline may be extended to a maximum of one year in cases requiring special equity. Student status can be terminated for a maximum of two semesters in the PhD degree process. (DEER 47§ (2) b) and 9§. (3))
  • On the basis of the Government decree 101/2020 (10 April 2020) certain measures need to be taken in the event that the state of emergency affects higher education institutions and students, as a result the complex examinations of the doctoral programme are to be organised at the University with the following modifications. The examination board must be composed of at least two members; moreover, all members may be in an employment relationship with the institution operating the doctoral school. (DEER 43§ (4))

Examination methods


Final examinations are subject to a separate regulation on the basis of the above points. Due to the situation that has developed in the middle of the semester the evaluation of the subjects with continuous assessment is postponed to the examination period. Thus each form of the process of obtaining grades will be entitled “examination”, which includes: subjects with signature, continuous assessment, exam, 2, 3, and 5 grade assessment.

It is possible that examinations in the traditional form may be held, depending on the development of the epidemiological situation. However, as long as epidemiological situation exists then distance examination will be necessary. Its detailed regulation can be found in annex 1 of the present circular. Two important cases of distance examination:

  • Controlled examination venue: the student taking the final examination will do so on the campus of the university. One of the colleagues of the University performs the role of checking the examinee’s identification and supervising the examination, but one or more of the examiners are only in audio-visual connection with the venue via their computer.
  • Uncontrolled examination venue: the examinee does not stay on the campus of the University. Their identification and the supervision of the examination take place via audio-visual connection. The circumstances of such an examination are recorded in annex 1 of the present circular.


Schedule of the preparations related to the examination period:

  • Until 27 April 2020: the departments have to compile the detailed assessment methods of each of their subjects at an uncontrolled examination venue and publish them on the Moodle site of the subjects. It must contain the types of oral and written questions, the points that can be awarded, the marking and pass mark requirements, and the timing of the two parts.
  • Until 8 May 2020: students can provide feedback on the published examination methods to the departments. The controversial situations must be settled at a departmental level first, then, if necessary, it must be continued at the faculty level and be resolved by the beginning of the examination period.
  • Examinations with an uncontrolled venue will begin from 11 May 2020.
  • In the case that regulations authorize the admission of examiners to University buildings, “normal” examinations can start.

Final provisions

In the event of a change in the situation concerning the epidemic, the University will provide information in another circular. Please monitor the University’s communication interfaces.

The present circular becomes effective on the date it is published and is effective until revocation.


Győr, 14 April 2020


Dr. Földesi Péter         Dr. Filep Bálint

Rector                   Chancellor

Annex 1.  Modes of examinations for the exam period of 2019/20 academic year spring semester

Due to the coronavirus epidemic the immediate introduction of new measures was necessary in higher education. These regulations provide a framework for the current distance learning situation but because we have very little experience to go upon, it is of the utmost importance that both teaching staff and students approach arising problems in an ethical, problem-solving and flexible way. If we can achieve this then we can not only maintain a level of tuition and ensure a successful exam period but we can also make use of the acquired experiences later.   


As a result of the crisis the evaluation of subjects with continuous assessment has been shifted to the exam period. Hereinafter we will refer to “exams” as a collective term for all types of assessment (i.e., subjects with signature, continuous assessment, exam, 2, 3 and 5 grade assessment)

Distance exams are exams where the examinee and the examiner are not in the same room or premises. We differentiate between two categories of distance exams:

  • Controlled exam premises: A supervisor (not necessarily the teacher of the subject) checks the identity and during the exam supervises that the examinee is only using the permitted tools and facilities. The examiners (or in the case of a committee, the examiners) are in audio-video connection with the student at an alternate premise. This type of examination only differs from the normal examination from an organisational point of view.
  • Uncontrolled exam premises: The examinee ensures an adequate environment (normally at home) for the exam to take place. The examiner in this case has no means to control this. Here, there is a significant difference from the traditional exams, as the identification and the supervision during the exam requires new methods. 

For uncontrolled examination a change in methodology might also be necessary to adapt to the circumstances. For example, each examinee receives a different question, or has to answer the questions in a limited amount of time, or examinees are given creative problems to solve, which cannot be solved by simply looking up the answers. This can reduce the disadvantages caused by the lack of supervision.

This current set of rules provides the framework for this. The applied tools have to be chosen according to the type of exam in a way that the level of supervision guarantees that examinees do not engage in exam misconduct (cheating).

We must strive to achieve the assessment of as many subjects as possible at uncontrolled premises. (Obvious exceptions are laboratory subjects where instruction is not possible via distance learning) The exam period will start in a distance mode and if the epidemic crisis does not ease, it is likely to be finalised in the same mode as well. If the situation changes favourably the University will revert to normal modes of examination. 

Distance exam at controlled premises

Currently such exams are only possible in the case of final exams, but it is advisable to consider this option if the current restrictions are eased or lifted.

The exam has to be carried out within the framework of the laws and government decrees in effect. The examinee is escorted to the exam room where his/her identity is checked by the teacher or appointed person present. Subsequently the supervisor starts the exam programme, hands out the exam papers and informs the examinee of the permissible necessary equipment. The appointed person provides full time supervision throughout the exam. Regarding oral exams, the examiner(s) asks questions from the examinee through online video connection or listens to the examinee’s presentation/defence after providing sufficient time for preparation. 

Examination at uncontrolled premises

Conditions of an exam at uncontrolled premises

The following conditions must be met for examinations taking place at an uncontrolled premise:

  • A room in which the examinee is alone in
  • Equipment (computer, tablet, mobile phone), which is capable of displaying standing and moving images in at least 1024x768 resolution, transmits the voice of the examiner to the examinee without the usage of an ear- or headphone, and sends standing or moving images from the examinee to the examiner in at least 640x480 resolution. 
  • A camera of which the angle upon request can be moved either to the face of the examinee or to the table where he/she is doing the requested tasks.
  • A microphone that can transmit the voice of the examinee clearly.
  • Internet access which enables a continuous picture and voice connection between the examinee’s equipment and the university server.
  • A valid student card

Start of the examination

Steps of identification:

  • Oral declaration: after logging in the examinee clearly gives his/her name, NEPTUN code and takes a position where the camera can detect his/her face well.
  • Showing the student card. The student/examinee must show his/her student card to the camera so that the details on the card are visible (Name, NEPTUN code, card number, photo).

In addition to this if the exam contains parts that need to be carried out on a computer then the student must log into the programme with his/her own ID. Once the examiner is convinced of the examinee’s identity (comparison of photo and face, NEPTUN code and name) he/she signs the exam form proving the presence of the examinee.

In the case of an oral exam, it must be ensured that the communication between the examinee and the examiner is witnessed. This witness could practically be the previous or the next examinee in line, who can participate in the group (e.g., Google meet) as a third party and observe the exam. 

It is forbidden to record the exam. Neither the examinee nor the examiner has the right to record audio or video material with a computer or any other device.

Methods of monitoring during the examination

The use of the following devices can be decided by the examiner:

  • Looking around: At the beginning of the exam the examiner can ask the examinee to move the camera around to check the premises of the exam.
  • Defining deadlines: The examiner can demand that the examinee carry out written tasks and give his/her solutions within a given time frame and send them in the requested form to the examiner.
  • Continuous video supervision: the examiner can request the examinee to show his/her face in the camera or to move the camera to the table and observe the examinee’s hand while he/she is working on a task.
  • Forbidding the use of ear- and headphones: The examiner can forbid the use of ear and headphones.

  • Requesting to provide answers with closed eyes: The examiner can ask the examinee to give answers with his/her eyes closed to short oral questions.

Evaluation of the examination

In the case of a written exam the examinee sends the exam to the examiner in a previously agreed way (photo, scanning), which is then corrected by the examiner and the grade is recorded in NEPTUN. After this the examinee may request the examiner to send him/her the corrected exam and provide online consultation to discuss the results.

In the case of a fully computerised exam the results are automatically calculated. At the request of the student, the possibility for online consultation must be ensured where explanation is provided concerning the achieved results. 

In the case of oral exams or when the last part of an exam is an oral part, after the presentation is heard the achieved grade must be immediately announced and recorded in NEPTUN.

Types of examination

It is the obligation of the departments to plan and announce which type of exams, what kind of tasks, what equipment and what kind of scheduling they will use for their subjects. Significant attention must be paid to the latter if the exam consists of more parts (e.g., written and oral part). All must strive to make the exam procedures as compact as possible, and to have the shortest possible time between the two parts of an exam.

Here are examples of possible examination types that can be used at an uncontrolled exam premise. The above detailed identification process must be carried out in all of these exams, though the implementation and the supervision may vary.

  • Traditional oral exam. The examinee gets a theoretical topic or calculation task at the beginning of the exam. During the exam, the examiner can use continuous video supervision. After the preparation the examinee gives his/her oral presentation followed by short Q&A, which together will determine the result. 
  • Tasks to be handed in with oral checking. The student(s) receive a task to be independently elaborated on over a longer period of time. The teacher doing the assessment either evaluates the work by providing online consultations during the work process or by using the distance exam form after the work has been submitted and checks that it is definitely the work of the given student. Grades are given on the work submitted.
  • Written or computerised distance exams with oral checking. The duration of the exam is 1-2 hours. The same tasks are given to all examinees, which are then solved at home and submitted electronically. Grades are determined by the results of the work submitted, but the examiner checks in a short distance exam if the examinee has the knowledge previously shown in his/her written work. If the knowledge is lacking then he/she fails the exam, otherwise the number of points on the submitted written paper, determine the grade. (Utilizing this format needs particular attention when scheduling the oral exam times)
  • Examination with written and oral parts. It is similar to the previous one, but the examinee can get points for the oral part as well. The written and oral points together make up the final grade.
  • Written or computerised distance exam with continuous supervision. The duration of the exam is 1-2 hours. All examinees work on the task simultaneously but all of them are supervised from a distance through a continuous video connection while the examinee adjusts his/her camera to a position requested by the supervisor.


  • Until April 27, 2020 all departments will compile the detailed method of examination for uncontrolled premises for all their subjects and upload it on the Moodle page of the subject. This must contain the type of questions asked in the oral or written part of the exam, the points, and the scoring system. In the case of an exam with more parts, the schedule for the different parts and the way to handle possible disconnections during the exam must also be given.
  • The students have the right to send feedback to the examiners and the departments in relation to the announced methods by 8 May 2020. Student questions, requests and feedback must be analysed at a departmental level first and if no agreement is reached, then at a faculty level. 
  • Examinations at uncontrolled premises can begin from May 11, 2020.
  • In the event that restrictions are lifted or eased and students are allowed to enter the University buildings, ’normal’ examinations may commence. Concurrently it is possible to hold distance exams as well.

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Monday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Tuesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Wednesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Thursday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
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