XXIX Academic Day: knowledge and value preservation unite the honourees of Széchenyi University

The Academic Day has been held at Széchenyi István University since 1994 to mark the anniversary of the birth of the institution's namesake, Count István Széchenyi. At this year's celebration, doctorates were conferred and prestigious awards were presented to those who have made a significant contribution to the development of the institution.

Széchenyi István University is characterised by both modernity and the preservation of traditional values. It provides its students with up-to-date, practice-oriented knowledge, its research is forward-looking, and its open and entrepreneurial approach enables a wide range of partnerships. In addition, the institution is true to its roots while cherishing and respecting its traditions. One of its most prominent events every year is the Academic Day, which is celebrated on the birthday of the university's namesake.

The Academic Day is one of the most exciting events at Széchenyi István University every yearThe Academic Day is one of the most exciting events at Széchenyi István University every year

The tradition, which has been going on for almost three decades, continued this year, starting with the public meeting of the Senate of the University on the Győr campus. Accompanied by fanfares and led by the flag bearer and the bearers of the paedum, the Senate marched in. The ceremony was attended not only by students awaiting their doctorates, but also by the recipients of the institution's most prestigious awards, retiring staff, university citizens and staff working in partnership with the institution.

"As a university, our main vocation is to contribute to the preparation of the next generations", said Dr Péter Zoltán Baranyi, Rector of the University, in his opening address to the Senate. He stressed that young professionals must be prepared for the challenges of the present and the future. In his speech, he thanked the teaching and research staff, by saying that "they are the ones who pass on the knowledge of the present and the ability to think".

Sándor Széles, Head Bailiff of Győr-Moson-Sopron County, said that in the current difficult situation it is particularly important to be aware of our real spiritual and intellectual values. "A small fire can be extinguished immediately by a strong wind, but a big fire will be strengthened by it even more. Under the burden, only a little faith is destroyed," he said, setting an example to young people the struggle and faith of the teachers who are being honoured and retiring today. "Only our values and our faith will keep us all going. I wish you success in this struggle," concluded the Head Bailiff.


Prestigious awards at the Academic Day

Honorary doctorate awarded to Dr Jiří Jaromír KlemešHonorary doctorate awarded to Dr Jiří Jaromír Klemeš (Photo: Csaba József Májer)

Széchenyi István University awarded an honorary doctorate to Professor Ferenc Miszlivetz for his decades of professional and research work in the development of regional higher education, strengthening cooperation between institutions and making scientific achievements visible. Dr. Ottó Veisz, an agricultural academic from Óvár, who is a prominent representative of the research direction focusing on plant resistance, which approaches the reduction of the negative effects of climate variability from a theoretical and practical point of view, and examines the possibilities of adaptation was also awarded an honorary doctorate in recognition of his work. In addition, Dr. Jiří Jaromír Klemeš was also awarded the prestigious honorary doctorate for his research at the international forefront, for his outstanding international scientific activities, for the establishment of an international organisation enabling the publication of scientific results of high quality, for the development of modern technologies and for his work in the field of international recognition of Hungarian higher education.

The Senate of the Széchenyi István University conferred the title of Professor Emeritus on Professor Dr. Ferenc Horvát, Professor Dr. György Rezső Schmidt, who also received Széchenyi University Service Diplomas. The award is given to those who have demonstrated outstanding teaching and professional performance at Széchenyi István University and its predecessor institutions for at least 25 years prior to their retirement.

The Palma Academica Award is a lifetime achievement award, which was presented to András Várnagy, a teacher of physical education and former head of the Centre for Physical Education and Sport.

The Pro Universitate Award is intended to recognise the work of university staff (both teaching and non-teaching), citizens and public figures who have contributed significantly to the achievement of the university's objectives, its reputation, prestige and esteem. The Pro Universitate Award was presented to Dr. Rózsa Fehér, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences, Head of the Hospital Department and Dr. Erika Kalmárné Hollósi, Secretary of the Győr-Moson-Sopron County Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Dr. Ilona Papp, Associate Professor, former Dean of the Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics, Gabriella Csikorné Horváth, Director of the Directorate for Integrity, István Ruppert, Professor, former Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Dr. Zsuzsanna Vásárhelyi, Professor, former Head of the Department of Engineering, were awarded the Citizen of Merit of Széchenyi István University.

The Senate of Széchenyi István University has conferred the title of Honorary Lecturer to external experts who, in addition to their outstanding professional activities, have significantly contributed to the educational activities of the institution over a longer period of time. Gyula Moór was awarded the title of Honorary University Teacher, while Dr. László Gottlieb, Gergő Licskai, Albert Molnár, József Németh, Imre Csapó and Attila Simon were awarded the title of Honorary Associate Professor. Honorary Master Teacher titles were awarded to Péter Eigner, Tibor Fonyó, Tamás Fülöp, Zsuzsa Pusztai, Norbert Ruzsás and Benedek Szabó.


Doctoral inauguration at the Academic Day

13 PhDs were inaugurated at the event 13 PhDs were inaugurated at the event (Photo: Csaba Májer József Májer)


Following the performance of the Faculty of Arts, doctoral degrees were awarded to Krisztián Horváth (consultants: Dr. Dénes Fodor, professor and Dr. István Szénásy, associate professor), Dániel Pup (consultants: Prof. Dr. József Bokor, full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Dr. Zoltán Szabó, professor), Ákos Kovács (consultant: Dr. Gábor Lencse professor), Péter Prukner (consultant Dr. Miklós Kuczmann, professor), Katalin Darabos (consutants Dr. Zoltán Baracskai, professor and Dr. Viktor Dörfler, associate professor), Melinda Krankovits (consultant Prof. Irén Kukorelli, professor emirita), Marcell Kupi (consultant Dr. Zsuzsanna Horváth Ivancsóné, associate professor),  Krisztina Kupa (consultant Dr. László Imre Komlósi, Professor) Saitova Elza (consultant dr. Di Mauro Carmela, associate professor), Áron Szennay (consultant dr. Cecilia Szigeti, senior research fellow, Budapest Business School)  János Miklós Szerdahelyi (consultant Dr. László Imre Komlósi, Professor and Dr. Ted A. Paterson, Associate Professor), Tamás Tóth (consultants: the late Prof. Dr. János Schmidt, Academician and Dr. Tamás Tóth, Research Professor), Endre Andor Tóth (consultant: Dr. Renátó Kalocsai, Head of Department)

Széchenyi University's most talented and productive teachers and researchers under the age of 45 are supported by the Gyula Hegedűs Scientific Scholarship, which was awarded this year to Dr. Árpád Tóth.


The Gold Diploma of the Board of Directors was awarded to Katalin Csémy, Head of the External Department of Audi Hungaria, Veronika Keller, Associate Professor of the Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics, Klaudia Varga, Managing Director of Uni-Famulus Kft., Márta Konczosné dr. Szombathelyi, Professor of the Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics, President of the University's Scientific Student Council, dr. Rita Rácz, Head of the Dean's Office of the Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Lászlóné Gulyás, Administrator of the Finance and Accounting Directorate, Krisztina Orbánné Persa, Chancellor's Representative for Higher Education and Student Information Systems, Béla Csábi, Head of the University Information Technology Centre, Magdolna Pákozdi, Director of the Szent-Györgyi Albert Health and Social Vocational Secondary School and Krisztina Vargáné Frank, Deputy Director of the Öveges Kálmán Primary School.

Dr. Lívia Mihályka Ablonczyné, Professor at the János Apáczai Csere János Faculty of Pedagogy, Humanities and Social Sciences, Dr. István Lakatos, Professor at the Audi Hungaria Faculty of Automotive Engineering, Dr. János Szép, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport Engineering, received the Pro Educatione Award. Mária Ottília Vámos, Assistant Professor, received the Outstanding Mentor Award.

The Pro Scientia Arraboniensis was awarded to Ferenc Szabó, professor of the Faculty of Arts, conductor of the Győr Symphonic Band, Gergely Ménesi, associate professor of the Faculty of Arts, conductor of the Győr University Orchestra, and Dr. Róbert Fullér, Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Chairman of the University Habilitation Committee.

The management of Széchenyi University recognises the activities of colleagues who have achieved outstanding results in a supporting field by awarding them the title of Outstanding Staff Member. The award was given to Erzsébet Wandraschekné Jakab, the Centre for Adult Education, Eszter Véber, the Department of Humanities and Human Resource Development, Lászlóné Nits, the Department of Social Studies and Sociology, Judit Mosonyiné Szalai, the Department of Transport, Mária Margit Peterka, the Centre for Automotive Research, Dr. József Simon, Centre for Physical Education and Sport, Istvánné Vaszari, Department of International and Applied Economics and József Kocsisné University Library and Archives.

Márta Mészáros, Head of the International Programmes Centre, received the University Community Award, while Tiborné Kaufer, Head of the Studies Department, received the Student Friendly University Award.

József Katona, a car driver, was awarded the Széchenyi University's Certificate of Appreciation for Service, and Dr. Gyula Szakál and Dr. Imre Tell, associate professors of the institution, were honoured on the occasion of their retirement.

Gallery of the XXIX Academic DayGallery of the event (Photos by József Csaba Májer)

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Tuesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Wednesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Thursday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Friday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00