Group photo in Bölcs Vár

The fifth annual conference of the Real Academia Europea de Doctores (RAED) was held in Budapest between the 22-25 September 2019. Sixty people attended the two-day conference, and more than 20 speakers participated in the discussion on the challenges of the 21st century to science. In 2018, the Consulate General of Hungary in Barcelona contacted the Academy in the light of a possible conference in Hungary, and following the first meetings, the presidency of the Academy chose Budapest the as the venue for the next congress.

This year the annual professional conference of the Real Academia Europea de los Doctores (RAED), based in Barcelona and founded in 1914, was held in Budapest between the 22-25 September. The professional programme was organized by Széchenyi István University, Győr; two foundations of the Hungarian Central Bank: the Pallas Athéné Domus Educationis, and the Pallas Athéné Domus Sapientiae; as well as the European Science, Education and Research Institute (ETOKI).

The organization was initiated by Dr Barnabás Kovács, then head of mission of the Consulate General of Hungary in Barcelona. The conference was hosted at Bölcs Vár (Wisdom House) in Buda Castle (1014 Budapest, Úri u. 21).

At the conference, members of the Academy gave presentations on a wide range of topics in the fields of history, medicine, economics and education. The topics of health and vehicle industry presented at the conference were considered from the point of view of applying their mathematical potentials. The Spanish delegation consisted of 32 members, including several academics with whom further cooperation will be possible in the future. Among the lecturers we welcomed, without attempting to be comprehensive, there was the director of IESE, the prestigious executive school of Barcelona; the honorary consul general of Austria in Barcelona; and a biologist currently researching in Hungary.

In addition to the Spanish speakers, prominent Hungarian experts also spoke on both days of the conference, including representatives of the Central Bank of Hungary and Széchenyi István University, Győr. Apart from the lecturers of the two institutions, the event was honoured by the presence and lecture of Dr Károly Bozsonyi, Deputy Rector of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Dr Levente Kovács, Secretary General of the Hungarian Banking Association, Dr József Bokor, Vice-President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Dr Zoltán Dubéczi, General Secretary of HRC.

Over the two days of the conference, 60 people participated in the professional programme. The presidency of the academy confirmed its earlier offer to have a Hungarian academician on the list of members of the academy and asked for recommendations.

In addition to the conference's professional program, the organizers also contributed a cultural experience to the delegation's stay in Hungary. On Monday, the delegation took part in a guided tour at the Hungarian Parliament, and members were welcomed by Deputy Director General of the Hungarian Parliament, Dr Tibor Bárány.

On Tuesday evening, the conference was closed with a dinner hosted by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, where Deputy Secretary of State, Tibor Gulyás, greeted the delegation on behalf of the ministry, highlighting the ministry's search for new international partners and emphasizing the important role of the conference organizers in this process.

The Academy also has 14 members who are Nobel Prize winners in the fields of chemistry, economics, pharmacy and physics. Among future joint plans, the visit of Nobel Prize-winning scientists to Hungary has also been mentioned.


Dr Alfredo Rocafort, president of the RAED is giving his opening remarks

Az 5. Nemzetközi READ Konferencia megvalósulását „A HU-MATHS-IN – Magyar Ipari Innovációs Matematikai Szolgáltatási Hálózat tevékenységének elmélyítése” című EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00015 azonosító számú projekt támogatta.

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Tuesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Wednesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Thursday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Friday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00