Governing Board Circular No. 2/2021

Category: FAQ Created: 2021.01.28 08:21

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Extraordinary education break

Category: FAQ Created: 2020.11.11 14:18
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Category: FAQ Created: 2020.09.28 09:24
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Circular Rector’s – Chancellor’s Circular No. 9/2020. on usage of university buildings

Category: FAQ Created: 2020.05.07 11:48

Based on the Government Decree 168/2020. (IV. 30.) §. 7. on safety measures during the pandemic, there is a possibility to allow students to use certain buildings of the university. However, complying with the current travel and dormitory restrictions is still compulsory.

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Rector’s – Chancellor’s circular no. 7/2020

Category: FAQ Created: 2020.04.20 09:49

Supplement to the Education Regulations, modification of the schedule of the academic year, formation of the framework of distance examination

University education was transformed from 23 March 2020 as a result of the state of emergency due to the coronavirus epidemic. Education has been going on in the form of distance education in all programmes independent of the type of training. Due to the altered conditions, the management of the university, in consultation with the Union of Students modifies with temporarily supplements the Education and Examination Regulations and the Doctoral Education and Examination Regulations of Doctoral Schools of Széchenyi István University, as well as the schedule of the academic year regarding the spring semester in the following points:

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International Students FAQs

Category: FAQ Created: 2020.03.16 13:35

1. Can I go home in the Spring break or in the period following it?

"Our students are advised not to travel abroad during the public health crisis, and preferably to remain at their place of residence." (Rector's-Chancellor's Circular No. 4/2020 point 2.4  paragraph 1.)

Answer for scholarship holder (SH/SCYP) students only: according to the official communication of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in the interests of your own safety and that of your loved ones we advise our students to remain in Hungary. If you would still like to leave the country, you require the University's permission, and in the case of an absence lasting longer than 30 days, you will lose your rights to your subsistence and housing allowances.

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Rector’s-Chancellor’s Circular no. 4/2020.

Category: FAQ Created: 2020.03.13 13:18

Concerning the appearance of the coronavirus in Hungary and details of the application of Government Decree 41/2020 (III.11) at Széchenyi István University.

In order to prevent the spread of the epidemic, the following measures are ordered at Széchenyi István University. The scope of the circular extends to all members of the university, both employees (civil servants and contractees), and students. This circular supplements and partially amends the Rector’s-Chancellor’s Circular no. 3/2020

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Spring break declaration

Category: FAQ Created: 2020.03.11 21:47

Dear International Student, 

Due to the situation with the world-wide epidemic, The Rector and the Chancellor of Széchenyi István University decree that there will be a Spring break from 12-22 March 2020. During the spring break, teaching and examinations are suspended.  
The provisions of the Rector’s-Chancellor’s Circular no. 3/2020 remain in force and we ask you to keep an eye on the university’s communications. For university staff, the period of the spring break is to be considered as non-teaching work days. 

This communication is issued on behalf of Dr Péter Földesi, Rector, and Dr Bálint Filep, Chancellor.

Best Regards, 

Dr Eszter Lukács,
Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs

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Rector-Chancellor's Circular no.3/2020, on the appearance of the coronavirus in Hungary.

Category: FAQ Created: 2020.03.10 16:01

Dear Colleagues,

1. In connection with the appearance of the coronavirus in Hungary, we draw your attention to the following:

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Coronavirus: avoid travelling to infected areas

Category: FAQ Created: 2020.02.28 15:12

The new coronavirus strain, which emerged in China late last year, has in recent weeks appeared in more and more countries, including Europe. In this situation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade is asking everyone to consider the dangers before heading to the affected areas, especially in what is currently the focal point of northern Italy. The risks are only partially health-related, as it could happen that someone is trapped for a shorter or longer period in an area that is under quarantine.

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Coronavirus: Széchenyi István University has taken the necessary measures

Category: FAQ Created: 2020.01.31 16:32

From news sources we know that in recent weeks a new strain of coronavirus has started to spread in China and has appeared in several parts of the world. To date, it has caused the death of over a hundred people. The virus has not yet appeared in Hungary.

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0036/96/613-700, 0036/503-419

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Monday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Tuesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Wednesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Thursday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Friday  10:00-11:00 12:30-14:00
