Apáczai Csere János Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Name of qualification and level | Duration of studies | Necessary no. credits for degree | Tuition fee | Application fee | Supervisor | Programme mentor |
International Relations Expert (BA) | 6 semesters – full time programme | 180 credits | 1,700 EUR / semester | 100 EUR / application |
Prof Dr habil Lívia Ablonczyné Mihályka |
Zoltán Ködmön |
International Relations Expert (BA) | 6 semesters – full time programme (online) |
180 credits | 1,500 EUR / semester | 100 EUR / application |
Prof Dr habil Lívia Ablonczyné Mihályka
Zoltán Ködmön |
The undergraduate programme in International Relations is for individuals who are sensitive to global problems, open to other cultures, and are prepared to handle a broad range of evidence and analyse complex issues. They are also able to understand and interpret complexity, as well as present arguments in a clear, concise and effective manner in English. The programme is designed to enhance global perspectives and to learn how the world works. It also provides students with the knowledge of how to employ up-to-date theories, methods, and approaches. A multidisciplinary and flexible programme which combines a wide range of courses in international relations, history, economics, political science, foreign languages, sociology and regional studies, among other disciplines. The programme trains the students to be well informed about generally accepted tendencies, characteristics and data on universal political, economic and cultural phenomena. They will thus have deeper insights into and understanding of relations of various nations and cultures.
Structure of studies
The total number of credits needed to complete the programme is 180 credits. The courses of the programme are divided into three categories: compulsory courses (156 credits), thesis (10 credits) and elective courses (14 credits). 1 credit equals one ECTS credit, and 1 credit is defined as 25 student working hours.
Language requirements
- TOEFL 513 / IELTS 5.5 /oral examination, TOEFL IBT test score of 66 (issued in the last two years).
- Certificate of any standardised international English language exam corresponding with Hungarian B2 at the Bachelors level and C1 at Master’s level issued by an accredited language centre/ academic institution.
- In case the student has completed his/her previous level of studies in English, proof can be uploaded about the fact that the language of instruction was English, issued by the institution.
- If the uploaded document(s) do(es) not meet the above-mentioned requirements, the University relies on an online language interview.
Professional requirements
Bachelor studies: Copy of secondary/high school graduation results, copy of courses studied. For the fields of engineering, agricultural and business and administration studies, evidence of the study of mathematics is required (school leaving certificate final results).
Please kindly note that, in order to fulfil the formal requirements, academic document need to be submitted in notarised form.
Programme educational objectives:
The International Relations BA programme at Széchenyi István University is designed to equip graduates with the knowledge, skills, and attributes necessary for successful careers in the field of international relations. Our programme educational objectives (PEOs) are as follows:
PEO#1: Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of key subfields and theories of international relations as a discipline and understand relations between nations.
PEO#2: Students will be able to represent national and regional interests and solve complex problems in pursuing a decision-making career in international organizations, diplomatic services, corporate business, and non-profit organizations.
PEO#3: Students will be familiar with foreign cultures and languages and are aware of the forms, tools, and techniques of international contact.
PEO#4: Students will be informed about the generally accepted tendencies, characteristics, and data on universal political, economic, and cultural phenomena.
Student Outcomes:
The student outcomes (SOs) of our programme represent the skills, knowledge, and behaviours that our curriculum aims to impart to our students. The International Relations BA programme defines seven SOs (1) to (7) to guide student development as follows:
- An ability to understand national, European, and universal politics, analyse international political situations and phenomena, and identify the differences and similarities between various political and constitutional systems.
- An ability to understand the history of the world's major civilizations, as well as the basic data, political and economic trends, and conflicts of the world's large regions.
- An ability to understand the subjects and sources of international law, the law of international treaties, legal regulations concerning the territory and population of states, fundamental human rights, and the issue of the use of armed force.
- An ability to understand the functioning of international organizations as well as analysing international economic situations and phenomena.
- An ability to understand the main elements of implementing international projects, perform tasks related to the planning and execution of international projects, and work on international projects, as well as prepare and organize international negotiations and events.
- An ability to understand the forms, tools, and techniques of international relations, and perform tasks related to promoting international cooperation in small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as tasks arising from international collaborations in the multinational and large corporate sector.
- An ability to interpret international relations phenomena from the perspectives of multiple civilizations, cultures, and ideologies, and work in intercultural teams.
Job opportunities:
The programme prepares students for leadership and service in the international or national diplomatic, professional, business, and academic communities. A degree of International Relations enables graduates to deal with international contacts in government, a global corporation or a nongovernmental organization: e.g., member of the country’s Foreign Service, consultant for a multilateral organisation, development expert in nongovernmental organizations. The diploma obtained is recognised as equivalent in the European Union.
Subject matter details:
Please find here the subject list of the program
How to Search for Your Programme’s Subjects:
- Open the link.
- Click "EN" to change the language.
- On the right side, click "Language" and choose English.
- Start typing your programme name.
- Click Search to find the results.