Coronavirus: avoid travelling to infected areas

The new coronavirus strain, which emerged in China late last year, has in recent weeks appeared in more and more countries, including Europe. In this situation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade is asking everyone to consider the dangers before heading to the affected areas, especially in what is currently the focal point of northern Italy. The risks are only partially health-related, as it could happen that someone is trapped for a shorter or longer period in an area that is under quarantine.

However, if a student or teacher has recently been in an infected area, they should report to the Centre of International Programmes at Széchenyi István University and preferably avoid going into the community for two weeks, as well as observing themselves. If someone is experiencing symptoms - fever, coughing, a sore throat and lethargy, they should stay home, call their GP, or call the National Public Health Centre on 06-80-277-455 or 06-80-277-456 green numbers. The most effective method of preventing the spread of the virus, recognised since Ignác Semmelweis, is that we can protect ourselves by frequent hand washing and observing the rules of hygiene. Széchenyi István University has taken the necessary steps in this regard: by acquiring and installing special hand disinfectants in the buildings of the institution. In addition, the cleaning service is paying greater attention to disinfection than previously.


The university has placed special hand disinfectants in several places, such as in the New Knowledge Aula. (Photo: Csaba József Májer)

The United Nations World Health Organization's WHO Facebook page highlights the following basic rules:

  • frequent hand washing, preferably with alcohol based disinfectant soap;
  • sneezing and coughing using a handerchief, followed by thorough hand washing again;
  • avoiding contact with patients who have a fever;
  • going to a doctor in the case of fever and providing information on previous trips abroad;
  • avoiding markets for live or slaughtered animals in an area where the new coronavirus has already appeared;
  • avoiding consumption of raw or improperly heat-treated food of animal origin.

The detailed recommendation can be found in English here. In addition, the National Centre for Public Health can keep you up to date on what symptoms you should be aware of, what you should avoid, as well as how and where the virus spreads.

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(Administration Building 103.)

0036/96/613-700, 0036/503-419

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Thursday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Friday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00