In the framework of the countrywide Erasmus Days promotion, The Centre of International Programmes (CIP) at Széchenyi István University hosted an event designed to encourage greater interest in student mobility schemes for study and work experience abroad. Dr Eszter Lukács, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs at SZE opened the event with a welcome speech to participants who were principally members of staff and lecturers at the University.

Facilitating the workshop, Mr Paul Rogerson, International Specialist in CIP, initially presented some statistics about the low levels of Hungarian student participation in Erasmus+ programmes, going on to contrast this with an outline of the diverse opportunities and benefits of the scheme for students at all levels. He introduced less well-known programmes, for example Erasmus Mundus, which supports Joint Programmes operated by consortia of higher education institutions from the EU and (since 2009) elsewhere in the world. They provide an integrated course and joint or multiple diplomas following study or research at two or more higher education institutions.


Subsequently, Dr Attila Borsos, Deputy Dean for Research Affairs and Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, gave a presentation about the various scholarships and fellowships of which he has taken advantage in his career to now. He illustrated the periods he spent on Erasmus mobility schemes with a series of interesting slides, as well as providing workshop participants with an insight into the opportunities and benefits provided by participation in such programmes. His presentation was extremely positive about all aspects of studying and working abroad, but most especially he emphasized the great advantages that it could bring to a student’s future employability.

Following Dr Borsos’s presentation, Mr Rudolf Krecht, a student currently on a Bachelors Programme in Mechatronics at SZE, gave a talk about his recent experiences he gained as an Erasmus student at Brno University of Technology in Czechia. His attitude towards the opportunities afforded by the scholarship were again very positive and he stressed the extent to which he appreciated the networking possibilities as well as the opportunities to learn languages and socialize with an international group of young people.

Ms Andrea Lazányi, a colleague from the Centre of International Programmes, then gave a presentation with some useful statistics and input on CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies). Also participating in the event was Mr Dávid Murguly, Local Representative of the Erasmus Student Network whose insights and comments supported those of the main speakers.

Facilitated by the panel, there followed a discussion based on questions from the workshop participants centring on finding solutions to the low take-up of Erasmus+ scholarships by Hungarian students.  The workshop’s members were convinced that the key to improvement was lecturers spreading awareness of Erasmus+ by inviting members of ESN and CPI to give brief promotions of the programmes at the beginning of lectures, and by remaining positive and thinking internationally.

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Monday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Tuesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Wednesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Thursday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Friday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00