For one week, the spotlight is on freshers at Széchenyi István University

In accordance with tradition, the academic year at Széchenyi István University, on both the Győr and Mosonmagyaróvár campuses, starts with a fantastic "zero week" with grand-scale events to ensure freshers get to know each other and the University. The aim of these events is also to forge a real sense of community among the participants by the end of the camps, as the newest members of the Széchenyi family.

The Győr and Mosonmagyaróvár campuses of Széchenyi István University are once again filled with students. In recent days, the institution's newest members arrived to kick off the next phase of their lives in a relaxed and fun atmosphere for a few days.

7f5c56_92bce33dcbcd4df88f9cf63c0f569e8e~mv2.webpFreshers’ Week started in fantastic spirits. (Gallery: Máté Dudás)

During the events, freshers receive information on the most important matters that concern them. This includes lectures on the basics of the university education system, scholarships and financial support, as well as sports opportunities. Within the framework of the "specialized briefings" organized by the Students’ Union, everyone can hear firsthand the most important information related to their own field of study, advice on specific courses, and survival tips from experienced senior students, as well as from instructors and mentors of their respective programmes.

The main goal of Freshers’ Week (Gólyahét in Győr and Balektábor in Mosonmagyaróvár) is to integrate newcomers into the University community: they achieve this by getting to know institutional traditions, fitting in with their peers, and getting a taste of student life. All of this is done in teams, under the guidance of team leaders, in a playful manner, while also competing with each other, and, of course, winding down the days with parties in the evenings.

This year, a record number of first year students are participating in Freshers’ Week. (Photo: András Adorján)


"Freshers’ Week in Győr and Mosonmagyaróvár are the two most important and largest events of the Students’ Union, and in terms of preparation, it's like organizing a small festival,"said Dávid Vályi Nagy, this year's Freshers’ Week camp leader and acting President of the University Students’ Union, when illustrating the importance of the event during an interview with our portal. He added that this year, in line with the record-breaking admission numbers, they have expanded the capacity by nearly a fifth, allowing more freshers, senior students, and organizers to participate in the events than ever before.

This year, organizers have introduced some innovations compared to previous years, aiming to enhance the quality of the event and the smoothness of its execution.


"On the first day, we prepared optional activities for the freshers, who, in addition to team sessions, can try night time soccer or dormitory frisbee. We also re-imagined the closing competition, where teams will now showcase their choreography on the Bridge Garden stage, followed by a procession to P1 to continue with playful activities. Another innovation is that this time, dining is facilitated through student cards, greatly simplifying the process," explained Gréta Borda, deputy Camp Leader.

Dávid Vályi Nagy, Freshers’ Week Camp Leader and Gréta Borda Deputy Camp Leader


At the opening ceremony of Freshers’ Week, on behalf of the management of Széchenyi István University, Dr Eszter Lukács, Vice President for International Affairs and Strategic Relations, welcomed the freshers. She mentioned that nearly 5,000 students have chosen Hungary's sixth-best higher education institution to continue their studies, and she extended a special welcome to the newest members of the international student community, coming from more than seventy countries. On behalf of the welcoming city, the Mayor, Dr Csaba András Dézsi emphasized that Győr is a fantastic place where they train professionals who can secure employment even before obtaining their degrees.

Dr Csaba András Dézsi and Dr Eszter Lukács greet freshers at the Győr City University Hall. (Photo: András Adorján)

In addition to the Győr Freshers’ Week, the Széchenyi István University Students’ Union also organizes a smaller camp in Mosonmagyaróvár, specifically for students of the Faculty, called Balek Camp, in line with the traditions of the local agricultural community that go back over several hundred years. Participants can get to know each other and University life through various activities.

"We make sure that our freshers have a great time and bond with each other. They can participate in team competitions, concerts, cooking contests, and even a tour to the Hanság Museum. It's also important for them to familiarize themselves with our traditions and the career paths of our former students. The singing group provides an excellent opportunity for this, where graduates from the Faculty talk about the paths they've taken after graduation," said Horváth Gábor, President of the Students’ Union of the Albert Kázmér Faculty in Mosonmagyaróvár.

In addition to fun and entertainment, the three-day event also provides an excellent opportunity for first-year students to explore the Mosonmagyaróvár campus. During the campus tour, they can get to know the department heads and lecturers  as well. The Balek camp concludes on Friday during the Győr Freshers’ Week, when the Mosonmagyaróvár freshers arrive in Győr as a team to join the Győr freshers.

Horváth Gábor, President of the Students’ Union of the Mosonmagyaróvár Faculty, has organized the Balek camp for the fourth year. (Photo: Csaba József Májer)


Réka Wittmann, an agricultural engineer from Alcsútdoboz in Fejér County, will begin her studies in September, and came to the Balek camp to gain experience and get to know her fellow students. "I’m enjoying myself – we have a lot of fantastic programmes that really bring us together. I got everything I expected from the camp, and even more!" she said.

Réka Wittmann and Roland Edvy are starting their studies this year at the Albert Kázmér Faculty of Széchenyi István University. (Photo: Csaba József Májer)


Edvy Roland from Keszthely will be a correspondence student on the Food Safety and Quality Engineering Master's programme. "The Faculty has a great reputation nationwide, and I feel like I've ended up in an excellent place. I've already experienced the fantastic atmosphere during the camp," Roland shared. He chose the correspondence course because he plans to work alongside his studies. He wants to gain insight into production and sees his future in product processing after completing the Master's programme – that is why he chose this institution.

The traditional Balek camp also kicked off in Mosonmagyaróvár. (Photos: Csaba József Májer)

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