For UN 75, students of Széchenyi István University talk about a better world
On 24 October we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, which Hungary joined 65 years ago. As a United Nations Academic Impact Higher Education Institution, Széchenyi István University wishes to contribute to the anniversary of the organization’s founding: it asked its Hungarian and international students to answer three questions concerning the future of the world. Below we quote from the most interesting answers.
What would be your vision of a better world?
Aliyaphone Outhenthapanya: People would have a good quality of life, have enough food to eat and clean water to drink. Everyone could access education, healthcare, rights, with protection and decent work for all. Respect for others’ opinions, ethnicity, culture, gender, honour and dignity. Society would be peaceful and just, with no more poverty and free of violence. In addition, we should pay attention to the environment, living species and wildlife conservation.
Zsófia Réti: A better world begins with acceptance and attention to each other. In addition, I think that we could make great progress by pushing the Internet and social media into the background, and that an appreciation of the environment would also play a very important role in development.
Gergő Scheck: In a better world, I think we could put more emphasis on relaxation and have more time for ourselves.
Dávid Szanyi-Nagy: I think we should value people more, no matter what their station is in life. Feedback is important, and using the word ‘thank you’ more frequently.
What are your hopes concerning the building of a better world?
Aliyaphone Outhenthapanya: To accomplish something, everyone should have the same goals. To change our world and focus on a common interest will be successful if we all believe and come together.
Zsófia Réti: I think that there are chances for the better world I have outlined to come true, and for that, young people must be encouraged to change. In addition, great emphasis must continue to be placed on environmental protection.
Dávid Szanyi-Nagy: I hope that in the future, people will pay more attention to each other.
Márton Pék: There are many young people interested in and capable of bringing about a better world and capable of being mindful of current problems. In order for there to be even more of them, a conscious upbringing is essential.
What are your fears regarding the building of a better world?
Aliyaphone Outhenthapanya: I am afraid that everyone might ignore this issue and think it is a matter for certain countries or groups of people, or might think it is one person’s duty, but it is our duty and we ourselves should first start taking action.
Dávid Szanyi-Nagy: In the event that we manage to open up to each other, people must not fear that they will be exploited.