Hungarian Higher Education Day: Three SZE Staff Members Honoured with Prestigious Awards

On the Day of Hungarian Higher Education, three staff members of Széchenyi István University received state awards. Balázs Hankó, Minister of Culture and Innovation, presented the awards to the exemplary professionals on 30 August.

At the ceremonial opening of the academic year at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Veronika Varga-Bajusz, State Secretary For Higher, Vocational, and Adult Education at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, presented the ministerial and professional awards on the occasion of Hungarian Higher Education Day, September 1. Among the staff members of Széchenyi István University, Kata Farkas Némethné received the Tódor Kármán Prize; Dr Sarolta Szabó Horváthné received the Trefort Ágoston Prize, while Ferencné Zborovján received the Apáczai Csere János Prize for Higher Education. 

Kata Farkas Némethné, a qualified economist, has worked at Széchenyi István University and its predecessor institution since 1986, and has been the head of the Adult Education and Skills Development Centre at the institution for many years. In recognition of her high quality teaching activities over more than a decade, the Senate of the University awarded her the title of Honorary Associate Professor in 2021. Under his leadership, the Centre for Adult Education places a strong emphasis on micro-certification courses, which are highly responsive to the changing world, and plays an active role in integrating faculty research into the curricula of postgraduate professional training courses, which typically last two to three semesters. The Tódor Kármán Prize recognises the outstanding role played by the faculties in the organisation of higher education and in the development of the region. 

Dr Sarolta Horváthné Szabó, the University's Director of Strategy, has been with the institution for more than a decade and a half. As Legal Officer, she has been involved in coordinating the work of the Faculty and University Education Committees and the Senate, with an overview of the University's entire educational portfolio of more than 200 Hungarian and 42 English language courses. She has played a major role in setting an example for other model universities in successfully implementing the new structure over the past four years. She was awarded the Ágoston Trefort Prize in recognition of his outstanding professional contribution to education.

Ferencné Zborovján is one of the founders of the Graduate Nursing Programme at the Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences of Széchenyi István University. Using her healthcare expertise in an academic setting, she has prepared generations of nurses for their lifelong profession. For almost a decade, she was a lecturer in the Department of Health and Nursing Sciences and head of the nursing specialisation in the Bachelor of Nursing and Patient Care, and for two decades, she was a lecturer of the basic and specialised nursing courses. She has taught her students traditional, high quality, rigorous nursing principles as well as modern nursing research and health science. As a leading figure in the University's nursing education, she has made a significant contribution to the supply of highly qualified healthcare professionals in Győr and its region, and in recognition of this she was awarded the Apáczai Csere János Prize for Higher Education.


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Ferencné Zborovján received the János Apáczai Csere János Prize for Higher Education, Kata Némethné Farkas Kata received the Tódor Kármán Prize, while Sarolta Horváthné dr. Szabó received the Ágoston Trefort Prize.

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