Invitation to Prof. Paulo Roberto Feldmann's presentation


Presenter: Prof. Paulo Roberto Feldmann
Organizer and host: Hungarian National Bank and Széchenyi University’s Doctoral Program in Management (SzEEDSM), Doctoral School of Regional Sciences and Business Administration
Date and time: April 11 (Wednesday), 2018
1:00 – 2:00 PM welcome by Dr. Eszter Lukács PhD, Vice Rector Vice of SZE, presentation and discussion
Location: 9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. ÚT230.
Topic: Global Industries

Paolo Feldmann is Industrial Engineer (USP 1972) with Masters and Ph. D. degrees in Management from FGV Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Associate Professor, since 1981, at USP – University of São Paulo, teaching globalization and world economic business environment. Paulo teaches at USP for Master, PhD and MBAs courses in FEAUSP- The School of Business of University of São Paulo. Member of the board of FIA – Business Administration Foundation, a consulting company related to the University of São Paulo (since 2011) where he is responsible for the practice of consulting for Latin American countries. Member of the board of ADE-Sampa, the agency of development for the city of São Paulo (since 2013). Author of Management in Latin America: Threats and opportunities in the globalized world (published in the USA in 2013). Former CEO of Iron Mountain in Brazil from 2007 to 2010. Former Corporate Affairs Director of Microsoft Brazil from 2003 to 2007. Former Partner of Ernst & Young (1997-2004), responsible for the Latin America consulting practice (1998- 2002). Two other books published in Brazil: Management in Latin America (2010) and Robot: bad with it worst without it (1988). More than 15 papers about Latin American management and companies published in various academic and practitioner journals.

Participation is free of charge but registration is required by sending an email to
Vasic Tihana ( on or before 2:00 PM, April 10, 2018.

Students and instructors of our international programs are more than welcome.
Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

H-9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. 


(Administration Building 103.)

0036/96/613-700, 0036/503-419

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Monday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Tuesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Wednesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Thursday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Friday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00