Join the international journalistic project

“For a nuanced image of V4 countries in the European Union”

Who we are
Duel Amical© is a French association affiliated with Sciences Po Paris, founded in 2011 by international students. Today we have a truly diverse team with participants from all over Europe. The senior members currently work as lawyers, political advisors, journalists, IT specialists or managers, while our student members come from universities from all over Europe (Sciences Po Paris, ENA, London School of Economics, Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, Charles University of Prague, ELTE, PPKE).

What we do
In the international debating magazine we publish two parallel articles on every topic, from two different authors, deliberately mirroring conflicting standpoints. Our goal is twofold: we wish to further develop the culture of respectful debating on a national level and, by translating the articles into different languages, we wish to provide a credible, nuanced picture of each country to foreign readers. In addition to online publishing, we also regularly organize conferences and other live public debates.

Special focus on Central Europe in 2017-2018
We are launching a recruitment campaign in Central European countries in the framework of the project entitled “For a nuanced image of V4 countries”. The aim is to increase publishing on the internal issues of V4 countries and to discuss V4 regional topics in a special section, in English and French. The project is funded by the International Visegrád Fund and builds on the close cooperation with the following Visegrád 4 partners: Econlab from the Czech Republic, University of Szeged – Francophone University Centre from Hungary, the Fundacja Instyut Wolnosci (The Freedom Institut) from Poland and the Association for Development, Education and Labour “ADEL”, from Slovakia.


Duel Amical Association and our involvement in the project "For a nuanced image of V4 countries"
Since its founding in 2011, Duel Amical has promoted a new, democratic journalism by publishing debating articles on a wide range of topics. Although all countries enter in our specter and we have had contributors from all over Europe and beyond, our team has always put a special emphasis on Central European countries.
We consider that for the construction of a democratic European community, people from the different member states have to be more aware of each other’s national debates. Separated from Western Europe until the end of the communist era, Central European countries still have difficulties to gain access to Western European public opinion. Today still, the image of Central Europe in the EU is based more on myths and prejudices (whether positive or negative) than on reality. That is why Duel Amical decided to apply to the International Visegrad Fund (IVF), to carry out a project entitled “For a nuanced image of V4 countries in the European Union”.
Duel Amical won the support of IVF in May 2017, in the Framework of Visegrad Grants. Thanks to the Fund’s support and with the help of four Central European partner organizations, we are now recruiting students and young professionals, in order to set up local editorial groups in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, and a common editorial group for topics directly related to the Visegrad Group. Continuous publishing about these countries will begin in autumn 2017 and several new features will be added to the Duel Amical online debating magazine, to facilitate a better understanding of Central Europe in all parts of the EU.

The International Visegrad Fund (IVF)
The purpose of the Fund is to facilitate and promote the development of closer cooperation among V4 coun-tries and of V4 countries with other countries, especially but not exclusively non-EU member states in Eastern Europe, the Western Balkans and the South Caucasus. The aims are achieved through grant sup-port of common cultural, scientific and educational projects, youth exchanges, cross-border projects and tourism promotion, and through individual mobility programs (scholarships, residencies).

Econlab z.s. – Czech Republic
Econlab was founded in 2011 and it is affiliated with the Institute of Economic Studies at Charles University. It leads long-term projects dealing with public procurement rating and created a database of political party financing Address:

Francophone University Centre (CUF) of the University of Szeged - Hungary
The University of Szeged has 25 000 students in a variety of disciplines including social sciences. The Francophone University Centre will be the direct partner of the project. The Centre offers a French language master in European studies with a special focus on Central Europe: most students come from V4 countries as well as from the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership regions and several courses deal with Central European topics. Address:

The Freedom Institute (Fundacja Instytut Wolności) - Poland
The Freedom Institute is a politically independent think-tank. Its mission is to draw attention to the most important political topics in Poland and the EU by creating ideas and developing knowledge together with prominent politicians, businessmen and analysts. It aims to popularize these ideas using traditional and new media and to appeal to all the actors of the public sphere. Address:

Association for Development, Education and Labour (ADEL) - Slovakia
ADEL is an organization which creates opportunities for young people who would like to be active citizens, try and learn something new and gain new experience and knowledge for personal and professional development. ADEL has already organized 250 successful projects, also in the framework of Erasmus+. Address:

We are now recruiting authors and translators in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia!

Contact us if you recognize yourself:
 great argumentative skills
 precise and punctual work
 you have your own point of view but you respect the opinions of others
You gain by joining us:
 professional experience in writing or translating for an online magazine
 experience in the creative work of a truly international project
 publishing and advertising of your work at an international level, reaching a wider audience
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Tuesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Wednesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Thursday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Friday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00