Lecture on addictions: SZE beleives students' mental health to be a priority

In addition to alcohol and drugs, many other substances and activities, from the internet to gambling, can cause addiction, said Dr. Gábor Feller, Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addiction Medicine at the Petz Aladár County Teaching Hospital in Győr, at a lecture at SZE. The programme was well attended and covered what to do if a friend gets into trouble and what to look out for in relation to yourself.

According to a 2019 survey, 4.9 percent of Hungarian adolescents and 4 percent of 18-34 year olds have already used a synthetic cannabinoid drug in their lifetime - a shocking figure illustrated by Dr. Gábor Feller, psychiatrist, addictologist, neurologist and pharmacologist, who gave a lecture to students at the Széchenyi István University entitled "In the grip of addictions - causes of harmful addictions and treatment options".

The expert pointed out that while drugs used to be expensive, they are now cheap and, unfortunately, easily available online. In addition, 'manufacturers' are constantly developing new psychoactive substances, which, like the existing ones, are often attractively named.unnamed (11).jpg

Among other things, Dr. Gábor Feller, Head of Department, talked about the fact that it is easy to slip from even a small daily alcohol consumption to higher doses, and thus to alcoholism. The event was an example of the close partnership between Széchenyi István University and Petz Aladár County Teaching Hospital.. (Photo: Csaba József Májer)


Dr Gábor Feller explained that drugs damage the mesolimbic system of the brain. As a result, personality is distorted and 10 per cent of users develop schizophrenia, which in many people persists even after they have quit.

The expert refuted the idea that marijuana is not harmful: it can also cause schizophrenia and is the first step to harder drugs. The situation is similar with alcohol: it is easy to slip from even a small daily intake to higher doses and alcoholism. This is not only because the body gets used to the amount, but also because alcohol damages the brain's mesolimbic system, reinforcing cravings. "It's best not to drink at all," stressed the Dr. Feller, who also spoke of the regular cases of students and young people in his department who have become ill because of binge drinking.

Dr. Gábor Feller pointed out that many other substances and activities can cause addiction, such as drugs, gambling, but there is also workaholism. Young people are at high risk of becoming addicted to the internet, which will not cause problems if you follow these steps.

According to this, the "anytime consumable" category includes podcasts, video chatting with family and friends, audio books, and interfaces that encourage learning, creative activities and creativity. "Moderate consumption" includes interactive video games, actively connecting with others on social platforms, watching age-appropriate movies, using interactive e-books. "Rarely consumable" category contain aggressive games, passive use of social platforms (i.e. "scrolling"), while internet use during meals or before bedtime, and TV on in the background must be avoided at all times. 

"One of the main causes of insomnia is the excessive use of internet", warned Dr. Gábor Feller.

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The presentation was attended with great interest, and the audience asked Dr. Gábor Feller many questions (Photo: Csaba József Májer)


Dr. Feller also offered more advice on how to prevent addiction. "Exercise is extremely good for our physical and mental well-being, and it is also very good to nurture friends and family relationships," he said, adding that if you think someone is addicted, friends have the best chance of convincing them and making them see that they need professional help. You can visit the Psychiatric, Mental Health and Addiction Department of the Petz Hospital without a doctor's referral, but the "Színes Fogadó Tér"Integrated Institute for Addiction Patients run by the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service (Győr, Szigethy Attila út 109.) also offers help to patients.

According to Márton Pék, the President of the University Student Council that organised the event, the high turnout and the many questions asked in advance and on the spot prove that the students were happy to hear important information about addictions from an excellent expert.

"In recent years, the coronavirus epidemic and the resulting closures and restrictions have created new challenges for young people, for example increased use of mobile phones and computer games. The lecture highlighted what we need to look out for in ourselves or how we can help if we see a friend around us who has developed an addiction." - said Márton Pék.

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