More than 3200 first-year students admitted to high-quality courses at Széchenyi István University

More than 3200 first-year students will start their studies in the nine faculties of Széchenyi István University in Győr in September. The figures show that the courses and services offered by the institution are attractive to young people.

From 8 p.m. on 21 July, applicants for higher education received a text message informing them whether they have been accepted to their chosen institution, and at the same time they can find out about this year's points on More than 3,200 of them are looking forward to becoming students of Széchenyi István University.

"My heartfelt congratulations to all those who have been accepted to our university, and we welcome them to our community. The high number of prospective first-year students is not only gratifying, but also an important confirmation for us, as it shows that young people positively appreciate the educational quality and the European-level infrastructure of our institution" - said Dr. Bálint Filep, President of Széchenyi István University.

Chancellor Dr Zsolt Kovács said that their aim is to give as many students as possible access to up-to-date knowledge and valuable, competitive degrees. "Students are attracted by our high-quality, practice-oriented courses, which are supported by our growing number of dual partners in technical fields, including our strategic partner Audi. Young people with a degree from us can easily find a job and earn a higher than average salary in the labour market. Freshmen will arrive in a vibrant city, to a supportive, international environment, with nearly 40 English-language courses and a student community of young people from 65 countries," said the Chancellor.


At the “Pont Ott” Party held at the Bridge Students and Teachers Club of Széchenyi István University, many people were happy to see their points. (Photo gallery: Májer Csaba József)

The admission figures show that of the three technical faculties, the most popular is again the Hungarian-language automotive engineering bachelor's degree at Audi Hungaria Faculty of Automotive Engineering, where the number of admissions has continued to increase. In addition, the English-language bachelor's and master's degree courses in automotive engineering are also attracting considerable interest. Many students have also been admitted to logistics engineering and technical management.

The number of students at the Faculty of Mechanical, Computer and Electrical Engineering has increased, with more than 700 first-year students starting their studies in September. Engineering courses have proved extremely popular, especially computer engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and mechatronics engineering.

The increasing demand and quality of the courses offered by the Faculty of Architecture, Civil and Transport Engineering is reflected in the steady rise in both the thresholds and average points. This year, the average points for all the faculty's undergraduate courses has exceeded 360 points, with the highly popular architecture course also scoring above 410.

From 1 August, the renamed Apáczai Csere János Faculty of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, increased its full-time enrolment in humanities and maintained its position in social sciences. In the field of education, almost one hundred and fifty students enrolled in the special education programme, while more than 40 first-year students are preparing to become lower primary school teachers. The faculty also advertises state-funded places for lower primary school teachers and special needs teachers in the second round admissions procedure.

At the Ferenc Deák Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, the high interest in law studies has resulted in higher thresholds than last year, with even more excellent students starting their studies. The other two bachelor's degree courses, in Judicial Administration and Employment Relations, and Social Insurance, which are highly sought after in the labour market, have also remained popular.

In the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, the course in Recreation and Health Promotion proved to be the most popular among the applicants. The data shows that the Health Care and Prevention course for nurses and the Nursing and Patient Care course for nurses and midwives are starting with stable numbers.

More than 600 students were admitted to the Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics, the second highest number at Széchenyi István University. The data also show a shift towards quality: the number of students admitted with a score above 400 points has continued to rise, meaning that well-prepared students are arriving. It is important to highlight that English language courses are becoming increasingly popular not only among foreign students but also among Hungarian students.

The faculty in Mosonmagyaróvár, named after Albert Kázmér since August, has admitted students with higher scores than last year. The most popular courses were Food Engineering and Agricultural Engineering. We are pleased to see that the number of applications for the Rural Development Engineering course has increased again. The new course in Agricultural Water Management Engineering is now being launched, which means that there is a real demand for it among young people.

In the Faculty of Arts, both the music and design courses launched last year remained popular. More first-year students are starting their bachelor's courses than last year.

This year there is also the possibility for second round admissions

If you were not admitted in the first round admissions procedure or did not apply, you should consider applying in the second round. At Széchenyi István University young people can look forward to attractive dormitory services and campus, modern infrastructure and a laboratory background that is unique in Central Europe. In addition, Győr and Mosonmagyaróvár offer students a high quality cultural, festival and sports life, as well as good job opportunities.

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