More than one thousand students received their competitive degrees from Széchenyi István University

Over a thousand students graduating from the six faculties of Széchenyi István University - Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences, Apáczai Csere János, Kautz Gyula Faculty of Economics, Audi Hungaria Faculty of Automotive Engineering, and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Informatics and Electrical Engineering - received their degrees at the University Hall in Győr at the weekend. 

This academic year's last graduation weekend was opened with a joint ceremony of the Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences and the Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences at Széchenyi University. Dr Jácint Ferencz, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Labour and Social Law, welcomed the new graduates of courses other than “Lawyers“ of the Faculty of Law. He began by saying “More important than having a degree, I believe, is what lies behind this paper, all the knowledge and skills that we have tried to pass on to you in the process of education.” On university citizenship, he added: the biggest challenge is to change our mindset in order to become good professionals and intellectuals.

“Your professional knowledge is and will be needed at domestic and international levels, as both Hungary and Europe are facing challenges to which it is impossible to find answers without the knowledge accumulated in social sciences and law" - he referred to the current geopolitical, sustainability and social issues affecting the generation of recent graduates.

(Photo: Mekliz Fotóstúdió)


“Be the ambassadors of health”

Addressing the graduates of the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Dr. Rózsa Fehér, Deputy Dean General, recalled that their students, in addition to their studies, helped fight the coronavirus epidemic and the university is immensely proud of them. “Please become ambassadors of health in your country and all around the world. As well as caring for the sick, protecting health falls on your shoulders because the only way leading to the prosperity and happiness is to hopefully maintain or restore health,” she said.

The event was also honoured by the presence of Prof. Dr. Csaba András Dézsi, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences and Mayor of Győr. In his speech he emphasized that dealing with people is not an easy profession, but it is an extremely beautiful one. “It is always good to help. When you help somebody and you hear 'thank you', it's a fantastic feeling. I wish you hear that very often in your career, and if you do, you will be happy,” he said. 

On behalf of the graduating students, Barbara Farkas, a student of Nursing and Patient Care, said goodbye to the university. Subsequently, this year the Student Union of Széchenyi István University presented exceptionally two ‘Teachers for Students Awards’, to make up for the cancelled ceremony due to the coronavirus epidemic in 2021. Prof. Dr. Zsolt Szakály, Head of the Department of Sports Sciences, and Dr. Petra Szücs, Lecturer of the Department of Health Sciences, received their awards with a huge round of applause.

At the event, Adél Gellén, Hanna Róth, Henrik Fazekas, Anna Pats Enikő, Bettina Pusenyák and Laura Szücs received the Pro Auditoribus Award certificate for their outstanding community activities. Réka Bende, Armand Németh, Franciska Bereczky and Vanda Farkas Barbara received the Pro Auditoribus Award.


“Our future depends on their expertise”

At the graduation ceremony of the Apáczai Csere János Faculty, firstly, Dr. Attila Pongrácz, Dean of the Faculty, greeted the guests. After recalling the virtues of the 244-year history of teacher training in Győr that has been recently considered a “megyericum”, he noted that the faculty is now characterised by dynamically developing educational programmes, which, in addition to teacher training, has also open up to social sciences and humanities. He emphasized that “this degree is not a passport to immunity, which protects you from questions, difficulties and temptations, but it is an opportunity to face life's challenges.

Afterwards, Balázs Róbert Simon, a Member of Parliament, addressed the graduates by highlighting that Széchenyi István University is a successful and significant institution of higher education in Hungary. “Our university is the key to the development of Győr and the region because it trains young people with high academic quality and well-prepared practical skills, which are in great demand in today's society and economy”.

On behalf of the graduating students, Daniella Tirner, a Bachelor student of Community Coordination, said goodbye to the university, and then Márta Trembulyák, the assistant professor of the Department of Special Needs Education who won the "Teachers for Students" Award 2022 based on the students' opinions, was called to the podium. At the event, Dávid Gergely Pálóczi, Bettina Soós, Orsi Hufnágel and Kíra Musitz received the Pro Auditoribus Award certificate for their outstanding community activities. Daniella Tirner received the Pro Auditoribus Award and Alíz Varga received the bronze certificate of the Pro Auditoribus Award.

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(Photo: Mekliz Fotóstúdió)


“Make your dreams come true”

The guests of the Kautz Gyula Kautz Faculty of Business and Economics - including our international students - were welcomed by Dr Eszter Lukács, Deputy Rector for International Affairs, who emphasised in her speech that the number of international students at the university has increased by 80 percent since 2018, while the number of English-language programmes has increased sevenfold.

“As a measure of our quality, Széchenyi István University has been ranked 801-1000th in the QS World Ranking of Higher Education for two consecutive years. This places our institution in the top four percent of universities in the world", emphasised the Vice-Rector.

On behalf of the faculty, Dr. Ilona Papp, the Dean of the Faculty, congratulated the graduates on the successful completion of their studies. In relation to the forward-looking attitude that has always characterised the alma mater and the faculty, she pointed out that “Széchenyi István University is constantly developing and construction works have taken place during their studies and are still ongoing. If we look across the Danube, the Science and Innovation Park is being built on the site of the biscuit factory, and the Health Technology Centre is being built on the site of the Zrínyi Street Hospital. In the recent years, our institution has once again crossed the borders of Győr and its name has appeared in new locations. The flag flies proudly in Mosonmagyaróvár, Zalaegerszeg and even in Budapest.

Széchenyi István University has come a long way in the last five decades. Today, our institution is the 7th largest of the 65 universities in Hungary, with a student community of 13,000.”

“We have given you the foundations, now it is your turn to build on them and make your dreams come true,” – said the Dean bidding farewell to the graduates. Afterwards, Anna Eszter Jámbor, Barbara Kiss, Dorottya Kiss, Gergely Nagy and Patrícia Nagy were announced to be the recipients of the certificates of Pro Auditoribus Award for their outstanding community activities. Nóra Ács, Katinka Orváth Dominika and Anna Sziklai received Pro Auditoribus Awards; and Bálint Ekker was awarded the Bronze Certificate of the Pro Auditoribus Award.

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(Photo: Mekliz Fotóstúdió)


“We look forward to seeing you back”

More than 300 young engineers received their degrees at the joint graduation ceremony of the Audi Hungaria Faculty of Automotive Engineering and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Informatics and Electrical Engineering.

The guests were welcomed by Dr. Zoltán Horváth, Dean of the latter faculty. “To make the most of your potential, you must constantly monitor and adapt to the changes in the world. You still have not finished your studies! It is worth keeping an eye on us at the university: what specialisations and further education courses are available, and what they containThe training we offer is constantly and increasingly being adjusted to the challenges of life. So keep an eye on the university, on its alumni website, and we look forward to welcoming you back. We wholeheartedly welcome you not only for learning, but also to share your experiences: you will acquire a lot of knowledge that we, teachers and future students, will be happy to apply."

On behalf of the graduating students, Virág Bódi said goodbye to the university, which was followed by the award ceremony. Based on the students' opinions, the Teachers for Students Award was given to Dr. Peter Vári, an Associate Professor of the Department of Telecommunications. The Reinhold and Carmen Würth Foundation Study Award was given to Péter Pataki, an MSc graduate student in electrical engineering.

For their professional work for the development of the organisations operating at the university, the certificate of Pro Progressum was presented to Ákos Berki-Müller, Hanna Horváth, Gergely Hunyadi, Zsolt Bence Kiss, Kristóf Klausz, László Illés Orova, Pál Boldizsár, Piller Rudolf, Püski Norbert, Szabó András, Szelezsán Bettina, Vizy Antal, Kocsis Bálint, Jobbágy Gergely, Lukonics András Benedek, Rubovszky Áron Márton, Szegletes Dávid, Fersztl Barnabás László, Hidas Bálint and Kiss Botond. Máté Kapocsi received the Pro Progressum Award.

Krisztina Kolontári, Botond Kostyál, Levente Nagy-Gál, Renátó Németh, Marcell Krisztián Pál, Dorina Pálla and Petra Szeidel received the certificate of Pro Auditoribus for their outstanding community activities. The Pro Auditoribus Award was given to Ferenc Gergő Baksai, Dániel Korpics, Cecília Polgár, Belián Povlács, Viktoria Szögi and Petra Vincze, and the bronze certificate was awarded to Villő Gaál, Gábor Biczó, Árpád Szemeti and Dóra Kocsis.

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