Motivational Lecture by Lajos Mocsai Opens Scientific and Artistic Students’ Conference at SZE

On 26 November, nearly 500 students presented their research in over 40 sections at the Scientific and Artistic Students’ Conference at Széchenyi István University. The event, which attracted a record number of participants, began with a keynote address by Dr Lajos Mocsai, Professor and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for the Hungarian University of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. Dr Mocsai, a former head coach of the Hungarian national handball team, spoke about how motivational methods used in sports can enhance scientific performance.

"At the Széchenyi István University’s Autumn Scientific and Artistic Students’ Conference (TDK), 235 Hungarian and 31 international students have presented their research, while 143 students from the Faculty of Design and Performance Arts have competed in the field of music. In addition, nearly seventy secondary school students have participated in the programme, six of whom took part in sections alongside university students,” said Prof Dr Márta Konczos-Szombathelyi, president of the University’s Scientific Students’ Council. Over 40 sections provided a platform for these young researchers, some of whom will represent the University at the 2025 National Scientific Students’ Conference (OTDK). “Everyone has the potential to be talented, but opportunities must be created for talent to flourish. This is the mission of talent support,” she emphasized.

The main auditorium of Széchenyi István University was filled for the opening and award ceremony of the Scientific and Artistic Students’ Conference. (Photo: András Adorján)

The main auditorium of Széchenyi István University was filled for the opening and award ceremony of the Scientific and Artistic Students’ Conference. (Photo: András Adorján)

Prof Dr Ferenc Friedler, the University’s Rector and Vice President for Science, addressed the students at the conference’s opening. He stressed the importance of motivation, teamwork, English proficiency, and professional knowledge for securing top careers. He added that motivation is equally indispensable for scientific work. “A researcher’s goal is to achieve results no one has reached before. Courage and determination are necessary to explore the unknown,” Dr Friedler said. The Rector highlighted that the motivation of Széchenyi University students is truly gratifying, as demonstrated by their high level of participation in the TDK conferences.

Dr Szabina Cziráki, secretary of the National Scientific Students’ Council, noted that 17 universities in Hungary and abroad were hosting similar conferences around this time. "We thank Széchenyi University for the tremendous work it does to support talent, which has resulted in a significant increase in the number of students submitting TDK papers in recent times. The institution uniquely organized four OTDK sections in 2017, followed by the organization of the engineering section in 2021 and the law and political science section in Győr in 2023."  She added that the University is also exemplary in that, out of the 16 national scientific sections, over the past ten years, it has been represented in all, except for the chemistry and chemical engineering sections.

The students had the opportunity to present their knowledge in more than forty sections. (Photo: András Adorján)

The students had the opportunity to present their knowledge in more than forty sections. (Photo: András Adorján)

The opening lecture of the programme was given by Dr Lajos Mocsai, who revealed that his life is built on three pillars: family, handball, and teaching. The strength of the first pillar is shown by the fact that he has four children and will soon welcome his 17th grandchild. The second pillar is equally solid, as the 23-time national handball player went on to coach for four decades after his active playing career, spending 17 years as the national team coach. He participated in four Olympics and 19 world competitions with both the women’s and men’s national teams, and in addition to domestic club teams, he also worked in the German league for ten years. The third pillar is the University of Physical Education, where he first entered as a student fifty years ago, later becoming a lecturer and rector, and is now the chairman of the board of trustees of the foundation that supports the institution.

In his lecture on motivation, Dr Lajos Mocsai addressed both the students and the instructors. (Photo: András Adorján)

In his lecture on motivation, Dr Lajos Mocsai addressed both the students and the instructors. (Photo: András Adorján)

In his lecture, Lajos Mocsai discussed the relationship between motivation and performance.  "Quoting basketball legend Michael Jordan: the difference between the good and the great is the heart. He was the athlete who would stop a practice if it wasn’t tough enough. He simply expected that whoever he entrusted his talent to would bring out the best in themselves, and by doing so, bring out the best in him as well. This mindset is also expected from the instructor, as their task is to get the student started on their path and motivate them to perform at their best," he said. The expert drew a parallel between athletes and students, as in both cases it is important to have a goal for the day's work and to want to improve every day. This is the drive for excellence. He also mentioned that fearlessness, concentration, and ease are equally important qualities. In developing these, the role of the master, whether a coach or an instructor, is key.

"Every talent has its golden seed. If we try to develop every skill equally, we will create an athlete with an average performance. If we find what they excel in and strengthen that, they can become the best in that area," he pointed out. He added that both external and internal motivation are essential for maintaining creativity, and it’s important that self-orientation never takes the place of task-orientation. Because those who believe they already know everything will not improve and will be surpassed. He emphasized that for all of this, the master must also have qualities that build trust in the talent entrusted to them, as their teamwork will help the young person become the best they can be.

The Scientific and Artistic Students’ Conference, as part of Talent Day, was accompanied by various side programmes, exhibitions, and lectures, and during the award ceremony, the best students in each section were recognized.

SZE’s Scientific and Artistic Students’ Conference was characterized by outstanding student successes. (Photo: András Adorján)

SZE’s Scientific and Artistic Students’ Conference was characterized by outstanding student successes. (Photo: András Adorján)

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