MSC COURSES (mostly in Hungarian)
The language of instruction in following programmes is Hungarian. To admit for a programme in Hungarian, you have to take a Hungarian State exam. To learn Hungarian before the exam, please visit the Balassi Bálint Institute.
In case you have a Hungarian language exame, you have to take part in the Hungarian admission procedure. More information is available on the homepage of the Hungarian Ministry of Education.
For study possibility in foreign language, please visit the the link "Study".
Master in Architecture
Master in Architecture in Construction Design
Master in Automotive Engineering
Master in Business Information Systems
Master in Classical Musical Instrumental Performance
Master in Computer Science and Engineering
Master in Electrical Engineering
Master in European and International Administration
Master in Infrastructure-Civil Engineering
Master in International Economy and Business
Master in Law
Master in Logistical Engineering
Master in Logistics Management
Master in Management and Leadership
Master in Marketing
Master in Mechatronical Engineering
Master in Regional and Environmental Economic Studies
Master in Teacher of Engineering
Master in Teacher – Teacher of Music
Master in Transportation Engineering
Master in Urban Systems Engineering
Master in Architecture
About the trade
We wish to educate architects who are able to handle all the architectural and building tasks of settlement- and regional development; in general the shaping of built environment. They can carry out the architectural and structural design tasks of different buildings and building complexes, they design, organize, manage and control their construction. Moreover, they are able to carry out building conservation- and renovation, monument protection, theoretical, academic and teaching tasks. And they can deal with the construction management and official tasks within their professional field.
About the programme
In our institution we also offer a university-level training programme for civil engineers and for urban systems engineers, which provides a favourable situation for the training programme of architectural engineers because students can take part in the courses of several certified teachers from the related professional fields. This complexity is an important pillar of the quality education. The wide range of education at the university gives an opportunity for us to join the already existing accredited university trainings in Győr in the field of basic subjects (Mathematics, Economics, Law).
Acknowledged and leading architects of Győr and the region educate the students within our major. The teachers of the professional fields serving the technical part of architecture belong to the top-rank of national research and structural development.
The application and admission data so far have shown that there is a significant and increasing interest in our courses. In our country certified architectural engineers are only educated at BME (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) and at Széchenyi István University; and our admission points are almost the same.
The major for architects at Széchenyi István University has been accredited since 2010, so graduates with a degree in architecture that receive the five-year undivided course will have full designing rights in all the countries of the EU.
Tuition fee: 325,000 HUF
Master in Architecture in Construction Design
About the programme
Our aim is to educate professionals who are able to solve the structural design problems related to the realization of buildings, to elaborate building structure and supporting structure designs, to organize, manage and control the construction, to carry out building conservation, renovation tasks and the protection of monuments related to structural design. We prepare our students to take part in the doctorate course and to continue academic activity in the field suitable for their qualification.
Our students learn the general and professional competences required by the EU, the history of architecture, architectural theory, related arts, technologies and sciences, the relationship between people and buildings, and buildings and the environment. Moreover, they can understand the necessity that buildings and the space between them have to be adjusted to human needs and measures. They will be able to prepare architectural designs, which satisfy the environmental, human, aesthetic and technical requirements.
There are also master’s programmes for civil engineers and urban systems engineers at our university, which provides a favourable situation for the education of architects because students can attend the subjects of several qualified teachers from the related professional fields, or from the optional subjects. This kind of complexity is an important pillar of the quality education.
Within this major the acknowledged leading architects of Győr and the surrounding region give lessons, though this they contribute to the fact that the supply of architects will be made up of well-qualified talent who stay in the Upper Transdanubian region; promoting the improvement and fulfilment of the architectural culture of the region.
Tuition fee: 305,000 HUF
Master in Automotive Engineering
About the programme
The aim of this course is to educate qualified engineers who possess a high level of scientific, specific vehicle engineering, technical, IT and economic/management knowledge related to the professional field of vehicles and with this they are capable of developing, designing, producing road and railway vehicles and researching the processes related to them. Moreover, they can operate, maintain, diagnose and repair these vehicles in a safe manner taking into account the requirements of environment protection and energy management.
The programme also prepares students to manage task for the constructive participation in the solution of research and development tasks related to the topic of vehicles, as well as for continuing their studies in the framework of a PhD programme.
The students of this major can participate in research-development work such as the prize-winning solar-powered racing car of the Shell ECO Marathon, or the Formula Student race car engine development.
The education of the main specialized subjects of the specialization of internal combustion engines is done in German, following an internal language preparatory course. The students spend a semester of the degree project in the factories of Volkswagen in Germany.
Tuition fee: 305,000 HUF
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Master in Business Information Systems
About the programme
Beyond the basic curriculum, we go deeper into the theoretical treatment of special IT topics, which do not really appear as independent knowledge, or are just partly touched upon at other universities of the country. These topics concern the return of IT investments, the most up-to-date system development methodologies and technologies, the questions of ensuring business continuity, those of IT security, organizational development and decision support models, methods and solutions, as well as subjects dealing with fuzzy systems, intelligent systems or corporate integration. Students with appropriate skills, outstanding academic achievement and research ambitions can take part in the research, research-development work within the departments and they can publish their academic results and present them at professional forums.
Tuition fee: 325,000 HUF
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Master in Classical Musical Instrumental Performance
About the programme
The master’s programme in arts does not lay emphasis on the role of teaching but on the fact that the learner should become an independent performer. When the students are admitted to the programme the basic methodological level should be present and technical problems should not occur but the students still need the help of their teachers in that of technical relations of the development and refining devices of musical expression, which are continuously enriched. The education is essentially based on consultations; knowledge is not transferred in the form of instruction. The teacher requires productions, which are preceded by serious individual preparation and independent approach to the musical material. When the student has elaborated on the performance according to their best judgement and ability, they take it to their master. This method encourages the student to be independent, promotes the development of constructive self-criticism, favours the practical application of the knowledge gained so far, incites the student to look for new solutions and find their own musical personality.
Tuition fee: 300,000 HUF
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Master in Computer Science and Engineering
About the programme
The aim is to educate engineers who are able to design new IT systems and devices, to develop and integrate IT systems, to carry out and coordinate IT research and development tasks, and can continue their studies in the framework of doctoral courses after they have acquired scientific and specific technical knowledge related to the professional field of IT at a high level.
Our graduates will be able to design, develop, assemble, integrate, organize and operate IT systems, software systems with an engineering approach.
The highlighted professional areas of the programme are the following: theoretical bases with IT orientation (discrete mathematics, languages and compiler programmes, code theory, theory of algorithms, formal methods, theory of computation, artificial intelligence), real-time and safety-critical systems, programming theory, software development, database administration, data mining, software quality assurance, dispersed systems, Internet technology and Web technology, software development on Web interface, corporate and managerial information systems, organization of information flow data warehousing.
Tuition fee: 325,000 HUF
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Master in Electrical Engineering
About the programme
Beyond handling the operational, technological-controlling, testing and development tasks characteristic of the professional field of electrical engineering, the graduates of this major will also become adept in dealing with more demanding development and research tasks.
The specialization focusing on the telecommunications systems disposes of a syllabus emphasizing the total convergence of the IT and telecommunications, the specialization focusing on automatization systems disposes of a syllabus founded on the region’s industry and central programmable controlling systems, which are essential in the modern technological lines. To be able to ground all of them, the students receive a scientific education at a higher level than in the bachelor courses of the university.
The teaching programme begins with subjects focusing on the fields of natural sciences, economy and arts, as well as electrical engineering basic sciences then they are followed by the specialized subjects and the optional economic and arts subjects.
The practice-oriented nature of the programme is reinforced by the one-semester-long engineering projects and the practical simulation and designing tasks connected to the specializations. Each of the teaching syllabi of the specialized subjects contain laboratory practice including either computerized engineering design or measurement tasks.
Tuition fee: 305,000 HUF
Master in European and International Administration
About the programme
Our aim is to educate experts who are able to handle the tasks of international organisations, especially those in the European Union, or the tasks of the national foreign affairs, and the foreign relations tasks of the Hungarian central and local administration with the help of their acquired knowledge. The graduates of the master’s programme have knowledge in foreign affairs administration, Hungary’s foreign policy, the system of international organisations, the EU institutions and decision-making system, comparative political sciences, comparative political geography, comparative teaching of the constitution, comparative public service and finance, international competition law and the protective measures of foreign trade, the methods of international negotiations and international protocol.
The faculty has at its disposal excellent infrastructure facilities. There are lecture halls and seminar rooms sized for the number of students in the building of the faculty, which provides a pleasant atmosphere for studying. Compared with our national institutions, the IT equipment of the university is outstanding: there is internet connection available in all the classrooms, study areas, and rooms of the student’s dormitory (on the campus a wireless internet connection is also provided). This is offered as an opportunity to the topmost performing students of our faculty to put forth their talent at Batthyány Lajos College for Advanced Studies.
Tuition fee: 225,000 HUF
Master in Infrastructure-Civil Engineering
About the programme
The aim of the programme is to educate infrastructure-civil engineers with a master’s degree that is competitive even in the international labour market. These graduates (beyond the aims described in the Bachelor programme) after a certain amount of practice, are able to handle technical development, research, controlling and project management tasks in the field of infrastructure-civil engineering, moreover, they can design and have a certain amount of competence for complicated and special engineering facilities. The programme prepares the students to recognize problems occurring in their professional field, elaborating and evaluating substantive and useful solutions, and for independently handling the controlling tasks after estimating the professional, environmental, social and ethical aspects.
The special subjects also deal with the latest international innovative methods and trends. Certain subjects can also be studied in English. Following a short practice period our graduates can become engineers who are mature enough for independent activities and have a deeper knowledge in the field of transport construction, are able to solve more complicated tasks, design complex buildings, develop new methods, and after some years of practice can lead smaller or larger teams. Their degree is acknowledged as an equivalent in the European Union. The title of designing expert as laid out in the legislation can be acquired after the practice time required by the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers.
Tuition fee: 305,000 HUF
Master in International Economy and Business
About the programme
In the wake of the development of the knowledge and skills acquired in the bachelor course, students in the master’s course gain abilities and an experiential approach, which enable them to discover interrelations between different economic and other (social, socio-psychological, political, etc.) phenomena and factors, allowing them to analyse the effects and the mechanism of actions among them.
The programme built upon the analysis tools and research results of other disciplines with regards to the economic processes and phenomena, so its approach is of a multidisciplinary nature. Part of the training goal that is important to the course is to present the relationship between the macro- and micro economies, the international and national economies, as well as the theory and the practice, that is to put forward the practice-oriented approach in teaching theoretical subjects. It is served by the development of new subjects, which have not yet been taught elsewhere and their introduction into education (for example, price- and market theory).
Tuition fee: 225,000 HUF
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Master in Law
About the programme
We are very proud of a survey in the year 2010 that found that our faculty provides the highest standards in the education of jurists in the country. We believe it is due to the fact that the optimal number of students in different years makes it possible to give a practical, student-centred training. During the teaching of each of the main subjects in law practical lessons, seminars, team-projects complement the knowledge of the lectures, thus our students can get to know the legal practice in operation and will be able to apply that in the future.
In a unique way, in Hungary, law students from in their later years at university with good academic achievements and outstanding practical interest can take part in a mid-semester practice at the economic, administrative and jurisdictional institutions of the region for half a year; this is organised by the faculty (dual training). Several internationally acknowledged experts and professionals in practice that hold responsible positions, work among the teachers of our faculty. Among others, Dr. Mihály Bihari, the former president of the Constitutional Court, Dr. István Kukorelli, former judge of the Constitutional Court, Dr. Barnabás Lenkovics, former ombudsman and current judge at the Constitutional Court, Dr. Vanda Lamm, a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Dr. András Patyi, judge at the Supreme Court – and the list can be expanded further.
We offer optional subjects to our students in four groups according to their professional fields: public law (public services), business law and finance, international law, and crime. Through this we give them the opportunity to deepen their competence in accordance to their interests, in a specialized way, with theoretical and practical knowledge specifically related to certain professional fields.
Tuition fee: 165 ,00 HUF
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Master in Logistical Engineering
About the programme
The participants in the national economy are placing more and more emphases on the role of the “time factor” both in the area of production and distribution. The competitive market situation and the necessary globalisation processes clarify the importance of the rationalization of logistic processes. Thus the aim of this major is to educate engineers who possess scientific, specific technical, economic, management, IT, industrial, transportation and technological knowledge related to the field of logistics and with this are capable of analysing, designing, organizing and directing the logistical (transportation of freight, materials handling, storage, commissioning, loading, procurement, distribution of goods, waste management) processes and systems while realizing the material flow within and among companies, as well as the related information flow.
Tuition fee: 305,000 HUF
Master in Logistics Management
About the programme
During the education we find it especially important that students get to know the national and international approaches of logistics management, both in theory and in practice.
As students can pentrate the interrelations of integrated corporate logistics management, they will be able to manage the corporate logistics system and the supply chains embracing the companies. Holding the necessary theoretical knowledge and understanding the modern practical solutions, these experts are able to design, analyse and develop the logistics processes within a company and between companies, as well as to manage them in an effective way.
We wish to achieve the development of skills by the encouragement of self-education, moreover, by using the teacher-student cooperation in a successful way. The well-known professionals of national logistics management can have a role as visiting professors in the teaching of more subjects. Students can join the research work they carried out in the departments where they could obtain direct information about how to adapt the theory to practice.
Tuition fee: 225,000 HUF
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Master in Management and Leadership
About the programme
The programme is designed to make our students be able to apply the management and leadership knowledge not only at the level of principles but also in the applications, so in the running and operation of corporate systems, in different phases of management, in the realization methods related to human resources and organizational operations. We give them the opportunity to acquire proficiency in tenders, negotiations, information systems, as well as in the techniques of communication and presentation.
The programme is made more colourful by the large number of subjects of a practical nature and by conveying the seminars in an enjoyable way. The subjects are taught by the leading professionals of the large companies of Győr. They have a great role in this together with the new management-approach and model developed by the Malik institute, which is a subject taught with exclusive rights only at our university. The first-line professionals of national and international management can be visiting professors in the teaching of different subjects. Students can join the research work carried out in the departments where they can obtain direct information about how to adapt the theory to practice.
Tuition fee: 225,000 HUF
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Master in Marketing
About the programme
During their education the students can get to know the European, Asian and American marketing approaches. We would like to accomplish that our students do not only know these approaches in their principles but they can also apply them in the working and operation of corporate systems, in different phases of management, in the creation of marketing strategy, and in the solutions of marketing problems of tourism and services. We give them the opportunity to acquire proficiency in tenders, negotiations, information systems, as well as in the techniques of marketing communication and presentation.
Students can join the research work carried out in the departments where they can obtain direct information about how to adapt the theory to practice.
Tuition fee: 225,000 HUF
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Master in Mechatronical Engineering
About the programme
It is a strategic question in the renewable national industry to have engineers with excellent preparedness available who posses complex knowledge that is characteristic of the professional field of mechatronics (mechanical engineering, electronic, automatization, IT). In the last two decades, due to the sudden development of electronics and computing, mechatronics has become an independent, well-defined professional field of the technical engineering group. Mechatronics integrates in itself the mechanical engineering, electrotechnical, electronic and IT knowledge, their specific approach and toolbars in a special way. In our days, the effort to apply (produce, operate, design and research) mechatronic products and systems is a perceptible stronger and stronger process. When analysing the reasons of development experienced in the field of mechatronics we can find common interests of both producers and users: the decrease of the use of materials and energy consumption, the increase of the degree of automatization of equipment and their reliability, the effort to achieve complexity and miniaturization. In this professional field the tasks of a mechatronical engineer include design, development and production of mechatronic products and systems. There is an opportunity for our talented students to take part in industrial practical training: the PRACTING Foundation supports the students in learning the trade for the whole semester.
Tuition fee: 305,000 HUF
Master in Regional and Environmental Economic Studies
About the programme
Regionalism, the analysis, the study, the design and management of the spatial organization of society and economy is one of the new, dynamic professional fields in social sciences. It is a characteristic feature of the professional field that it includes several disciplines, so it provides horizontal but at the same time complex knowledge and through this it can answer the increasing questions of society and economy. The master’s programme emphasizes the theoretical systems, so the subject provides more extended knowledge and the most advanced theories and methods but it continuously refers back to practices in the European Union and national setting.
The teaching programme was prepared with the inclusion of the academic research institute, and researchers also participate in the education. So the programme offers up-to-date theoretical and methodological knowledge and gives students an opportunity to continuously participate in research programmes and to employ every element of the modern scientific infrastructure (library, databases, conferences, international relationships). During the teaching programme students can meet the most important national and foreign representatives in this professional field, so they can get to know the most interesting results of the profession in a direct way.
Tuition fee: 225,000 HUF
Master in Teacher of Engineering
About the programme
This major provides students with a high level of pedagogical-psychological knowledge parallel with the professional education during which students can acquire the most modern teaching methods.
We prepare the students to be able to carry out further tasks beyond the ones acquired in the bachelor course. These include the teaching of theory based professional subjects and handling management tasks, participation in the school-leaving examination of professional subjects and OKJ examination, along with their complex preparation and organization, pedagogical-methodological research and development tasks, the foundation of acquiring the academic qualification (doctorate degree) both in the field of pedagogy and that of engineering.
Students without a teaching degree have to participate in a pedagogical-psychological pre-training to gather ten credit points. In this case they have to additionally complete the subjects in the first two semesters.
Our university has been offering technical teacher training for some time, so we have a wealth of experience. We are continuously updating our subjects and teaching methods in order to meet the higher demands of practice-oriented vocational training. There are printed and/or electronic lecture notes, up-to-date teaching aids available for each of the pedagogical subjects. Students with good results can apply for private grants founded by the graduated students of the teacher training course.
The practical education of our students has two main directions: pedagogical and professional. The following specializations can be chosen: mechanical engineering, transportation, IT.
Tuition fee: 300,000 HUF
Master in Teacher – Teacher of Music
About the programme
The aim of the programme is to prepare teachers to be able to handle the scope of activities of teachers in the school-based education; specifically in the musical education realized in the form of individuals or groups, as well as in the arts area of education of the National Curriculum and in the non-school-based education. The programme bases the education on the competence and knowledge acquired in the musical art form at a basic level or in the framework of other higher education qualifications. Győr is one of the few cities where all levels of musical education can be found, beginning from the music nursery school to the education of professional teachers of music – artists.
There are some new elements of the education of teachers of music, which are different from the previous ones (a half a year longer education than the main subject, longer chamber music and orchestral practice, the one-semester-long coherent professional practice), which means there is more professional progress. The accredited major for teachers of the university provides an opportunity to fulfil the pedagogical part of the scholastic profession. According to the professional requirements of the unified teacher training the Varga Tibor Institute of Musical Art disposes of the traditional relationships with musical schools and secondary schools of music with the help of the new system of teacher training, which means a higher level than the former one can be realized. The students accomplish their musical school pedagogical practice and their methodological school practice at Richter János Secondary School of Music, Bartók Béla Primary School of Music and in the Liszt Ferenc School of Music, and these schools are the training institutions of the master’s level. The students of our institute can receive unprecedented grants and professional work opportunities. Fifteen of the best students playing in orchestras can be awarded the music scholarship of the Music Foundation of the university every year. On average, every fourth student receives special grants because of their good academic achievements (Grants are awarded by the government, by the Universitas foundation, orchestral scholarships). The Győr Philharmonic Orchestra and the National Theatre of Győr frequently asks our students to substitute the member of the orchestras on tour and through this our students are given the opportunity to take part in the regular concert life. Many of our students are employed by the schools of music in Győr and the region. The university can put up most of the students requiring accommodation in the student’s dormitories.
Tuition fee: 300,000 HUF
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Master in Transportation Engineering
About the programme
The master’s course broadens the theoretical knowledge based on the knowledge acquired in the bachelor’s course, prepares the students to manage tasks for the constructive participation in the solution of research and development tasks related to the topic of transportation and shipment, as well as for continuing their transportation studies in the framework of a PhD programme. It provides students with deeper technical knowledge than the bachelor programme, it contains more Information Technology, it makes it possible to get to know the up-to-date transportation design methods in a more detailed way and to practice them.
Tuition fee: 305,000 HUF
Master in Urban Systems Engineering
About the programme
This major provides competences for the well-prepared students in which they can responsibly handle managing and designing tasks in the colourful and wide-ranging professional field of urban systems engineering. These tasks might include the planning of settlements and groups of settlements, the establishment of the environment of the settlement and the operation of its infrastructure, and the tasks of the architects of the settlements, chief architects, technical authorities and professional authorities, as well as the communal, maintenance, organizational, environment protection and value conservation tasks and urban studies belonging to the scope of activities of local self-governments.
A distinctive feature of our education is that we familiarize the students with the technical infrastructures in a way that is more thorough than usual. The researchers of the West Transdanubian Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences provide the teaching of settlement and region-related social scientific knowledge at a high standard. The field of practice is mainly Győr and the West Transdanubian Region, which is considered the most successful region of the country.
The curriculum of the major gives special attention to the design practices during which students look for solutions of a high standard to real problems. We enhance the communication and interpretation preparedness of the students through the acquisition of grounded CAD and GIS knowledge and their application in the solutions of the tasks, as well as with the regular descriptions of designs.
Tuition fee: 305,000 HUF
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