Information about the on-line interview for Stipendium Hungaricum applicants

Info for BSc students


Info for MSc students

You can choose to do either

  1. a writing skills test or
  2. an online speaking test via Skype.

The topics of the two tests will be approximately the same.

  According to the Stipendium Hungaricum admission regulations you are required to participate on an online interview by the university.

 If you choose to do the writing test,

click the link below, follow the instructions carefully and submit the completed test by 17 April 2019  24.00 (CEST)



If you choose to do the speaking test,

You are required to do an online speaking test via Skype. By clicking on the link of your programme below you will see (according to your Applicant ID) that you have been assigned an appointment time for the test (Central European Summer Time).

Given the large number of candidates, we are unfortunately unable to provide alternative appointments

IMPORTANT.  Please carefully read the following in connection with the speaking test:

  1. You were given TWO ID numbers - an APPLICANT number and an APPLICATION number. During the speaking test, you will be asked to tell the examiner your APPLICANT ID NUMBER.
  2. If you do not have your APPLICANT ID number ready when requested, you may lose your oral test appointment.
  3. At the time of the call, you must be ready to start your test.
  4. Please check that the camera, speaker and microphone for your Skype are working correctly before the time of your test appointment.
  5. The medium of the online interview is the Skype programme. If you do not have any Skype account, please register:

You are requested to accept the fact that there may be other candidates present in the call during your test.




You are required to do an online speaking test via Skype. By clicking on the link of your programme below you will see (according to your Applicant ID) that you have been assigned an appointment time for the test (Central European Summer Time).

Given the large number of candidates, we are unfortunately unable to provide alternative appointments

IMPORTANT.  Please carefully read the following in connection with the speaking test:

  1. You were given TWO ID numbers - an APPLICANT number and an APPLICATION number. During the speaking test, the examiner will ask for one of these ID numbers
  2. If you do not have an ID number ready when requested, you may lose your oral test appointment.
  3. At the time of the call, you must be ready to start your test.
  4. Please check that the camera, speaker and microphone for your Skype are working correctly before the time of your test appointment.
  5. The medium of the online interview is the Skype programme. If you do not have a Skype account, please register on:
  6. ON YOUR SKYPE ACCOUNT YOU MUST ACCEPT THE INVITATION FROM  INTERNATIONAL.OFFICE.SZE for us to be able to contact you. If we are not SKYPE partners we are unable to communicate with you.
  7. Note the date and time of the appointment you have been assigned for your speaking test. Please be aware that the time of the appointments indicated are Central European Summer Time (CEST), so you should schedule the time of your appointment accordingly.                                                


Note the date and time of the following appointment you have been assigned for your speaking test. Please be aware that the time of the appointments indicated are Central European Summer Time (CEST), so you should schedule the time of your appointment accordingly.    

On-line interview appointments for BSc applicants:

  • Vehicle Engineering
  • Logistics Engineering
  • International Relations
  • Civil Engineering
  • Business Administration and Management
  • Food Engineering
  • Agricultural Engineering

On-line interview appointments for MSc applicants:

In order to register for the online interview on the assigned date, please complete the following form:




In order to register for the online interview on the assigned date, please complete the following form:



H-9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. 


(Administration Building 103.)

0036/96/613-700, 0036/503-419

  am pm
Monday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Tuesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Wednesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Thursday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Friday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00