Róbert Varga moving towards scientific fame on Széchenyi broadband

vargarobert3.jpgNew perspectives in the field of remote diagnostic procedures have been opened up with a development in health innovation by Róbert Varga, having first aroused interest in the profession last Autumn. From September, the student of electrical engineering will continue his studies on the Master's programme at Széchenyi István University, Győr. According to his plans, the satellite laboratory in Győr could be the cradle of new scientific discoveries.

Róbert Varga already knew in primary school that he wanted to study in the technical field at university. In addition to his love of scientific objects, the family business, an X-ray service in Győr, also contributed greatly to this early vision. From the home workshop a straight path led to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Informatics and Electrical Engineering at Győr’s Széchenyi István University.

vargarobert3.jpgAs a child Róbert Varga already knew that he wanted to be involved in the technical sciences

“My field of vision widened during my college years. Thanks to my teachers, I became more and more fond of mathematics and physics, and although I was mostly involved in automation at high school, the Győr SZC Pattantyús-Ábrahám Géza Technical School, under the influence of Dr Péter Vári, associate professor of the Department of Telecommunications, I became interested in infocommunications. Dr Vári also had a prominent role in coming up with the idea of the health innovation development in connection with the SZE-SAT specialist study group, which then became the topic of my dissertation,” emphasized Róbert.

vargarobert1.jpgHis technical development won a Scientific Students’ Association special award donated by the National Media and Communications Authority


The cradle of innovation in Győr

In 2019, on the initiative of students, the SZE-SAT Specialist Study Group was established in the Satellite and Cable TV Laboratory at Győr’s Széchenyi István University. It was created for students to express their interest in technology and put their ideas into practice. Róbert Varga’s technical innovation also began here: he was the first in the country to transmit high-resolution X-rays images via a 5G network. This digital development eventually brought him a special award from the Scientific Students’ Association as well as national recognition. For the time being, the future plans of the 24-year-old young man from Mosonszentmiklós include completing a Master's degree in electrical engineering and strengthening the family business.

"I also consider the Master's programme important in order to help me decide in which area of info communications my career should follow, because I am now interested in both wired and wireless telecommunications."  In connection with his development, Róbert Varga told us: “I would like to continue the 5G project, as at Széchenyi István University, thanks to the advanced laboratory conditions and the excellent lecturers, we have achieved further success in the field of next-generation network development. I am confident that the University's practice-oriented education will also help me to acquire further high-level knowledge.”


Róbert Varga will continue his studies from Autumn on a Masters programme at the University of Győr


A milestone in the development of digitization

All the conditions for Róbert Varga's plans were a “given”, as Széchenyi István University has always been at the forefront of IT and telecommunications developments. Hungary's first networked 2-site 5G test system operates in Győr. With one base station fitted with two antennas in Városház tér (City Hall Square) and another with two antennas at Széchenyi István University, the institution has thus become a pioneer in 5G-based digital development. Despite being at the beginning of his professional career, Róbert Varga has already set a milestone in the development of digitalisation, on the basis of which it can be stated with certainty that the competitive knowledge he has acquired at Széchenyi István University can be utilized by many branches of industry.


The Győr knowledge and test centre also recognised nationally

May 17 is World Telecommunication Day, held since 1968 to commemorate the fact that in Paris on 17 May 1865, representatives of twenty countries signed the founding charter of the International Telecommunications Union. The legal predecessor institution of Széchenyi István University, the Technical College of Transport and Telecommunications, also launched its first year in 1968. In the more than half a century that has passed since then, the telecommunications system has developed significantly, and with the establishment of the Digital Development Centre, a nationally recognized digitization knowledge and test centre has been established at the University of Győr.

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KTMF inscription in front of the Technical College of Transport and Telecommunications in 1988

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