Siemens contributes to SZE’s equipment park

On 4 November 2020, as a symbol of an excellent partnership, Siemens Zrt. made a high-value donation in support of Széchenyi István University’s educational activities. Thanks to the gift, the University of Győr has been enhanced with the most up-to-date programmable logic controller (PLC) training package, Field PG programming devices, as well as a drive system and servomotor that can be used for research and development in the University laboratory by both students and lecturers.

Photos: Csaba József Májer / Széchenyi István University (SZE)

“It is extremely important for Siemens Zrt. to support the educational activities of Széchenyi István University and to equip the engineers in training with the latest practical knowledge. I am pleased to say that many excellent colleagues who were trained within these walls now work for the company. This is not a coincidence, as it is easier for us if recent graduates begin their employment at Siemens in such a way that they know and are able to use our modern equipment base, with which they were already familiar at the University,” said Tamás Jeránek, Divisional Director at Siemens Zrt., during the donation ceremony, emphasizing the mutual benefits of the partnership.

Dr Ferenc Szauter, head of the Automotive Research Centre, emphasized how highly motivating it is for students and researchers when, via such collaboration, education is enriched with modern equipment for use in practical sessions. “At the same time, this solid partnership - especially in this socio-economically difficult period - contributes significantly to increasing the University’s competitiveness,” the Head of the Automotive Research Centre pointed out.

At Wednesday's ceremony, the representatives of Széchenyi István University and Siemens Zrt., which is playing a leading role in the digitization of industry, were looking forward to further cooperation opportunities.

Siemens has for many years been supporting the education of engineers in Hungary. In this tradition, the donation was initiated by the Győr branch of the company, with the joint support of the Digital Industries and Corporate Technologies divisions of Siemens Zrt., in order to give students the opportunity during their studies to learn about the benefits of state-of-the-art automation tools and to use them in practical work, thus enabling them to apply the most innovative technologies when entering the labour market.


Tamás Jeránek, Divisional Director at Siemens Zrt. and Dr Áron Ballagi, Head of the Department of Automation, Széchenyi István University.

At the donation ceremony, Dr Ferenc Szauter, Head of the Automotive Research Centre at Széchenyi István University, Dr Áron Ballagi, Head of the Automation Department and students Norbert Markó and Beatrix Formaggini received the high-value equipment from Tamás Jeránek, Divisional Director at Siemens Zrt. and Csaba Pálla, Head of Siemens Győr Office.


Dr Ferenc Szauter, head of the Automotive Research Centre at István Széchenyi University, and Milán Horváth, organizer of the donation with the new equipment.

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0036/96/613-700, 0036/503-419

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