SZE hosts international urban and transportation planning practice

Approximately forty students and lecturers from seven countries participated in the 26th  City&Traffic urban and transportation planning practice, with Széchenyi István University being the host for the fifth time. Besides expanding their professional knowledge, the programme also provided opportunities for building international connections.

The City&Traffic planning practice series, initiated in 1996 by Professor Csaba Koren and his Slovak and German colleagues, has grown into an international programme over time. This year's programme, organized by Széchenyi István University, welcomed participants from Slovakia, Czechia, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, and Serbia, in addition to Hungary. The one-week event, in which German partners played a significant role in its preparation, took place in Győr and the neighbouring Győrújbarát.

Group photo of the participants (Photo: Csaba József Májer)


Dr Dániel Miletics, the organizer and an associate professor at Széchenyi University’s Department of Transport Infrastructure and Water Resources Engineering, said that students, under the guidance of university lecturers, worked in international teams to develop solutions for designated urban and transportation planning issues. This allowed them not only to apply their existing knowledge but also to acquire new skills. The project placed special emphasis on sustainable transportation, vulnerable road users, and facilitating the mobility of persons with limited mobility.

“The event is unique from several perspectives, as to our knowledge, there is no other summer university of this kind in Europe that has been held consistently every year, apart from a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Széchenyi University has been represented on every occasion, with five instances of being the organizer and host, the highest number among the participants,” highlighted Dr Miletics, adding that the success of this year's programme was significantly due to support from the University leadership, the Győrújbarát municipality, and the International Visegrad Fund.

Among the participants was Benjamin Labar, a Civil Engineering student from Nigeria studying at Széchenyi István University. 

“Győrújbarát is a marvellous place and we focused on solving its transportation and planning issues during the one-week programme. What I particularly enjoyed was the opportunity to get to know various cultures and perspectives while working in a team. “

Boris Šnauko from Žilina, Slovakia, and Hanna Beck, a third-year Civil Engineering student at SZE, both agreed that the international approach was an excellent idea that also served to strengthen the bonds between universities. They spoke highly of the facilities at the University in Győr and the opportunities it provided.

Boris Šnauko, Hanna Beck, and Benjamin Labar (Photo: Csaba József Májer)


At the closing event held at the Győrújbarát Town Hall, the students presented their solutions. (Photo: Csaba József Májer)

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