Széchenyi István University creates parking spaces for its citizens

It is important for Széchenyi István University to provide a sufficient number of convenient parking facilities for its staff and students arriving by car. To this end, the University has developed and operates more than 1,000 parking spaces on its campuses and sites in Győr and Mosonmagyaróvár.

"A significant number of employers do not provide parking spaces for their colleagues, but for us this has long been a priority. However, in 2019 we have been forced to introduce a comprehensive regulation on parking. The reason for this was that parking around the Győr campus was turned into pay-and-display, which meant that a lot of people who were working or doing business elsewhere in the city left their vehicles in our area, even for the whole day. This often meant that it was the university citizens who could not find a place to park their cars. The change was made to provide parking for them in particular, as well as for our guests coming to our institution," explained Dr Zsolt Kovács, Vice President for General and Educational Affairs.

He added: since then, several parking zones have become available only for staff and students, while in the free zones, outsiders can park for a fee, currently 360 HUF per hour. The latter tariff is always adjusted by the university to the neighbouring urban zone, so as not to make it more advantageous for outsiders to park on the campus. The university offers this possibility to students and colleagues at a very reduced rate of 4,900 HUF per year, which is 25 HUF per day counting by an avarage of 200 working days per year. With the university parking permit, you can use practically all parking zones managed by the institution, i.e. in Győr not only the campus, but also the parking lots of the Faculty of Law, the Gárdonyi Street building, the Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences building, the courtyard parking lot of the Apáczai Faculty I building, and the castle in Mosonmagyaróvár. As the rules apply to all, the university will include the latter areas in the parking regulations from 1 March, so that they will also be available for use with a reduced annual parking pass. „There is no pay zone in the immediate vicinity of the Faculty of Law, but when there will be one, we will definitely take the initiative to protect other areas belonging to our university by setting up a barrier or creating our own pay zone to help our own staff and students to park." - Dr Zsolt Kovács explained.

Dr. Ferenc Szauter, president of the local branch of the Higher Education Workers' Union and Dávid Vályi Nagy, president of the University Student Self-Government emphasized that it is in everyone's common interest to operate the discounted parking system, for which the university deserves credit.

"Of course, it is not compulsory to buy a parking permit, each colleague and student can decide for themselves whether they want to use it. However, most of the areas around the university zone are already fee-paying, so this is definitely a beneficial solution for university citizens."- they stressed.

Several parking zones are available only for staff and students, while in the free parking zones, outsiders can park for a fee, while university citizens can park with a discounted parking pass. (Fotó: Adorján András)

H-9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. 


(Administration Building 103.)

0036/96/613-700, 0036/503-419

  am pm
Monday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Tuesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Wednesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Thursday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Friday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00