Széchenyi István University strengthens its relations with Nigeria
The Ambassador of Nigeria to Hungary, Dr Modupe Enitan Irele also participated in the visit of a delegation from the National Defence College Nigeria to Széchenyi István University. The meeting strengthened not only the relations between the two countries, but also between the two institutions.
One of the strategic goals of Széchenyi István University is to increase its global visibility and continuously to expand its international relations system. To this end, a delegation of more than twenty members of the National Defence College Nigeria visited the Győr and Mosonmagyaróvár campuses.
Abdulrasheed Oluwaseyi Kotun introduced their college at the meeting in Győr. His speech revealed that the institution was founded in 1992 and its main activity is the training of officers for the Nigerian army, navy, air force and police, but students from partner countries from all over the world come to them to study. They are considered the leading higher education institution in the field of defence and security studies in the West African state.
Abdulrasheed Oluwaseyi Kotun (photo: Csaba József Májer)
At the event Dr Péter Földesi, Rector of Széchenyi István University, outlined the way in which a one-time technical college has become a fully-fledged university and one of the leading universities in Hungary, featuring in the rankings of both QS and Times Higher Education. He emphasized that strengthening international relations was particularly important because, as the current pandemic had shown, the problems were global, so the solutions had to be the same. According to him, every person, university and nation knows something that it can teach the world.
The Nigerian guests then received a comprehensive picture of the activities of Széchenyi University. Dr Anikó Zseni, Vice-Dean of the Audi Hungaria Faculty of Vehicle Engineering and Dr Dániel Feszty, Head of the Department of Whole Vehicle Development, gave an insight into the operation of the Faculty. They emphasized the extremely close relationship with Audi Hungaria, which operates the world's largest engine factory and the only development centre outside Germany in Győr. The University of Győr, which provides practice-oriented, project-based training, is an integrated partner in development processes. Students are also supported by the opportunity to participate in the work of the University’s Formula Student teams.
Dr Dániel Feszty (photo: Csaba József Májer)
Dr Miklós Kuczmann, professor of the Department of Automation, described the role of digital production in Hungary, while Dr Ádám Mayer, an assistant professor in the Department of International Studies and Communication at the Apáczai Csere János Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, spoke about his experiences at the American University of Nigeria. Ágnes Frank, International Projects Team Leader, in her presentation explained the University's innovation ecosystem. She said the institution encourages the market uptake of scientific results, develops entrepreneurial competencies among students and young researchers, and supports university-related spin-off and start-up businesses. Among the most important achievements of the last two years, she mentioned the expanding innovation services, the launch of R&D manager training, and the Student Innovation Project, which involves more than 30 companies, more than 180 students and more than 30 employees.
Participants in the meeting (Photo: Csaba József Májer)
The meeting was honoured by the presence of Her Excellency Dr Modupe Enitan Irele, Ambassador of Nigeria to Hungary, who emphasized that in an ever-changing, increasingly innovative world, both Nigeria and Hungary can benefit from their long-standing good relationship, which is further strengthened by various collaborations and exchanges. She emphasized that Hungarian universities welcome foreign students with good conditions for study, including the University of Győr. She also noted that she had learnt with great interest of the close partnership of the University of Győr with industry.
Dr Modupe Enitan Irele (Photo: Csaba József Májer)
The number of foreign students at Széchenyi István University has increased significantly in recent years, already exceeding six hundred. One of the Stipendium Hungaricum students from Nigeria is Nelson Edun, who is spending his first year in Győr studying architecture. “I have grown to love the people here and the country, which has made a great impression on me. I have had great experiences since I have been here in Győr. And the instructors encourage us to get the most out of ourselves, which I really like,” he said in answer to our question.
After the programme in Győr, the members of the Nigerian delegation visited the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences of Széchenyi University in Mosonmagyaróvár, where they were received by Dr Szalka Éva and were introduced among other things to research on precision farming. They also took a walk on the campus, where the central building, the recently renovated castle, made an impression on them.