Circular no. 10/2021 of the Governing Board
on the supplement of study rules, the modification of the schedule of the academic year and the establishment of the framework of online examinations
Based on point (1) of section 33 of the Organizational and Operational Regulations of SZE, the Governing Board of Széchenyi István University (hereinafter referred to as SZE) issues the present circular, taking into account the provisions:
- of the Government Decree 484/2020 (XI.10.) on the second phase of protective measures applicable during the time of public emergency,
- of the Government Decree 509/2020 (XI.19.) on the regular testing of health and health care workers, workers in educational institutions, workers in social institutions and workers in creches for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and certain health care issues,
- and of the Government Decree 27/2021 (I.29.) on the declaration of state emergency and the entry into force of the emergency measures which came into effect on 8 February 2021.
The provisions of Circulars no. 3/2020 and no. 1/2021 of the Governing Board not affected by the present circular will remain in force in the same form and with the same content.
Changes to the schedule in Spring semester of academic year 2020/21:
- The examination period ends on 26th June.
- The final examination period ends on 2nd July.
- The order of the modification of the submission of thesis work will be the Dean’s responsibility.
Supplement of certain passages of the Education and Examination Regulations (EER):
- Exemption from the requirements of preliminary studies: In the case of subjects which cannot be taught in the form of distance education (typically teaching practice and other internships), thereby making it impossible to complete them in the spring semester of the academic year 2020/21 (henceforth: inaccessible subjects) the competent Dean may make a proposal in relation to the temporary suspension of the requirements of preliminary studies in relation to the first semester of the academic year 2021/22, until 30th August 2021, which is accepted by the Senate. The proposal may refer to the fact that in the Autumn semester of academic year 2021/22, students could take the inaccessible subjects of the present semester parallel to the subjects based on them in this exceptional case. This facilitation may only be available in the Autumn semester of academic year 2021/22. (EER Section 7 and point (7) of Section 39) Following the Senate’s decision - on the basis of the accepted list of students - the Education Management Department will provide the admission of the subjects concerned.
- Suspension of transfer: the transfer between state scholarship and fee-paying programmes will be suspended for academic year 2020/21 only in the case of students who have officially been assigned or have been volunteering to participate in the epidemiological control. (Government Decree 509/2020 (XI.19.) The list of the students concerned with Neptun codes, which is centrally managed, must be sent to the Education Management Department by 15th July 2021 at the latest. The assessment of applications for the “Modification of the form of finance” indicated in Sections 10., 10/A, 10/B, 10/C of the EER (from fee-paying to state scholarship) is carried out in the usual order.
- Suspension of the termination of student status: In the second semester of academic year 2020/21, the student status will not be terminated in the case of students who
- § (2) a) - have not obtained 30 credit points on a Bachelor’s, Master’s and single undivided degree programme and 15 credit points on an advanced vocational programme or higher vocational training by the end of the second current semester of their studies,
- § (2) b) - in the case of programmes longer than 4 semesters, have not obtained 60 credit points by the end of the fourth current semester of their studies,
- § (2) c) - on a given course have more than 30 insufficient and unsatisfactory grades on a Bachelor’s programme, 15 on the Master’s, 35 on the single undivided programmes (including the replacement of continuous assessment subjects in the examination period) and if they do not have 80% of the total credit points determined in their programme curriculum.
On the basis of the current point, the insufficient and unsatisfactory grades obtained in the second semester of academic year 2019/2020, in the first semester of academic year 2020/21 and in the second semester of academic year 2020/21 will not be included in the number of insufficient grades signifying the termination of student status in the subsequent semesters.
- § (2) g) - the number of active and passive semesters together is twice as many as the academic training period.
- § (2) p) - the number of passive semesters amounts to the number of semesters signifying the period of training for the given major.
- Internal move within the university: In the second semester of academic year 2020/21 it may not prevent the transfer during the evaluation of application for internal move if the student does not meet the following requirements:
- a) they have already obtained at least 30 credit points in their own major at the time of the submission of the application and
- b) they do not have more than 10 unsatisfactory grades (including the replacement of continuous assessment subjects in the examination period). (EER 27.§ (2))
- Evaluation system
- Signature: The deadline for recording the end-term signature (signed/refusal) is the last day of the examination period - in the case of each academic level.
- Continuous assessment, report (2-, 3-, 5-scale) The deadline for recording the grades for subjects with such forms of assessment is the last day of the examination period.
- Examination: In the case of examination subjects, the deadline for recording the recommended grades is the last day of the examination period. The results of the examinations that have been announced and held must still be recorded no later than the third day after the given examination.
- Examination venues Only online examinations can be held in the examination period - except for the final examinations. The regulations of online examinations are included in Annex no. 1 of the present circular.
- Physical education requirements: Physical education subjects taken for the second semester of academic year 2020/21 can be completed by the end of the examination period, on the basis of the requirements specified by the P.E. and Sports Centre.
- Practical subjects, laboratory subjects: in the case of subjects where normal in-person education cannot be replaced by distance education, the subjects can be made up for between 10th May and 19th June 2021. The replacement of the above subjects must be organized in a way that a student shall be invited for a subject for a maximum of three workdays. The time of replacements must be announced on the Moodle datasheet of the subject by 3rd May at the latest.
- Deadline for fulfilling the internship / dual practice requirements taken in the framework of subjects recorded in the sample curriculum:
- in general, until the last day of the examination period.
- in the case of students applying for a final examination: 7th June 2021.
- Final examinations: they will be organized at the university, in compliance with the epidemiological regulations currently in force. Concerning the emergency situation, the competent dean may allow the other members besides the chairperson and the assistant secretary to participate in the final examination via online connection. In the case of online connection, the department responsible for the organization provides for the signing of the official report. The regulations of Section 81 of the EER concerning the composition of the board are still valid.
- Supplementary final examination
In September 2021, a supplementary final examination period will be provided only for those students who
- were not able to complete their thesis work / diploma work because of the epidemiological situation by the deadline given by the competent faculty because of its special conditions (because of corporate topic or laboratory measurement) but are going to submit their work by 23rd August 2021.
- were not able to fulfill their internship because of the epidemiological situation but are going to make up for it by 23rd August 2021.
- Schedule of preparations related to the examination period:
- By 2 May: departments will publish the applied examination forms and the description of the course of each on the Moodle page of each subject, together with information on which instructors can be approached with questions, problems related to the examination and which channels (e-mail, Moodle forum) can be used.
- It is recommended to prepare the description of the examination procedure on the basis of Annex no. 2. of the present circular.
- By 9th May: Students will read the announced examination procedure and in the case of a problem (the examination schedule was not announced or it is contrary to the EER or the circular of the Governing Board) they will report back to the instructor specified for the given exam. If this communication does not lead to a solution, the HÖK coordinators will signal it to the departments based on the students' indications. The head of the department is obliged to respond to such remarks item by item and to eliminate the deficiency or irregularity within 5 working days. In the case of a controversy, the management of the faculty (dean, vice-dean of education) must be contacted.
The circular shall enter into force on the day following its adoption by the Governing Board on 27 April 2021.
Annex no. 1.: Proposal for distance-examination methods
Annex no. 2.: Template on the procedure of announcing examinations
Dr. Földes Péter |
Dr. Filep Bálint |
Dr. Kovács Zsolt |
Rector |
President |
Chancellor |