International Students FAQs

1. Can I go home in the Spring break or in the period following it?

"Our students are advised not to travel abroad during the public health crisis, and preferably to remain at their place of residence." (Rector's-Chancellor's Circular No. 4/2020 point 2.4  paragraph 1.)

Answer for scholarship holder (SH/SCYP) students only: according to the official communication of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in the interests of your own safety and that of your loved ones we advise our students to remain in Hungary. If you would still like to leave the country, you require the University's permission, and in the case of an absence lasting longer than 30 days, you will lose your rights to your subsistence and housing allowances.

2. Can I make bookings for my summer vacation travel?

"Our students are advised not to travel abroad during the public health crisis, and preferably to remain at their place of residence." (Rector's-Chancellor's Circular No. 4/2020 point 2.4  paragraph 1.) is the current regulation, but keep an eye on the Government of Hungary website and the university website ( and for further regulations).

3. What are the consequences of going home?

According to official communications from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: "We urge our students not to travel abroad during their emergency, wherever possible, stay in their place of residence." (Rector's-Chancellor's Circular no. 4/2020, paragraph 2.4, point 1). Please be aware of the most recent travel regulations, as amended by Government Decree 41/2020 (11 March). Please note that as of 16 March 2020, the Hungarian government has closed the borders and only Hungarian citizens can enter the country.

4. Can I travel within Hungary?

On the basis of Government Decree No. 41/2020 (11 March) and the Rector's-Chancellor's Circular 4/2020, you are advised not to travel within Hungary. For up-to-date information, visit the Government of Hungary website, the university website, and the Facebook page.

5. Can I leave the Hall of Residence?

Under current provisions, you may leave the dormitory, but in order to protect your own health and that of others, we ask that you do so only in the most essential cases and to try to come into contact with as few people as possible. Please contact the University departments (Centre of International Programmes, Hall of Residence) electronically only. Please regularly keep an eye on the official notifications of the University. We recommend that you follow the basic rules published by the WHO, which are available here:

6. I have bought my ticket abroad, what should I do?

According to the official communication of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: "Our students are advised not to travel abroad during the public health crisis, and preferably to remain at their place of residence." (Rector's-Chancellor's Circular No. 4/2020 point 2.4  paragraph 1.) This is the current regulation, but as soon as any new information is published, we will notify our students on the university website and the Facebook page.We suggest that you get in touch with the travel agent or company who issued your ticket regarding your travel.

7. What will happen after the spring break? Will classes be held again?

"From 23 March 2020, the transition from in-person education to distance education is required. During the period of distance education, students should not attend higher education institutions” and "As from the entry into force of this Regulation, attendance at higher education institutions by students shall be prohibited." (Rector's-Chancellor's  Circular no. 4/2020, Section 2.1, paragraph 2; Government Decree 41/2020 (11 March) Section 4 b)

8. How will we take the exam? When will the exam period be?

We only have information on the current situation, so follow the university website ( and and our Facebook pages.We will be sending detailed information about the change to distance education.

9. Will I have classes this semester, and if so, how will they be held?

"From 23 March 2020, the transition from education to distance education is required. Students should not attend higher education institutions during distance education.” (Rector's-Chancellor's Circular no. 4/2020, paragraph 2.1, paragraph 2). According to this circular, we have gone over to online education details of which we will be informing you at a later date.

10. When will there be traditional in-person teaching again?

The Government will make a decision on this issue, taking into account the situation with the epidemic. We will keep you regularly informed. As per the above circular, we will be switching to online education from 23 March .

11. Does this affect the payment of scholarships?

We have enquired at the Tempus Public Foundation and we will inform everyone as soon as we receive a response.

12. Can I receive a guest in the Hall of Residence during or after the spring break?

“Guests from abroad are not allowed. Please consider carefully receiving external guests from within Hungary and only do so if absolutely necessary. Contacts with external partners should be done online or over the phone, if possible.”  (Rector's-Chancellor's Circular no. 4 /2020, point 2.5) It is not possible to accommodate paying guests overnight.

13. I'm sick (fever, cough, weakness), what should I do?

Call one of the green numbers on 06 80 277 455 or 06 80 277 456 or send an email to .

 14. I will be graduating this year, when will the final exam period be and when will the graduation ceremony be held?

Everything is subject to future regulations, please check the university website ( and and Facebook.

15. Can I use the lounges in the Halls of Residence?

Lounges will be closed during the break.

16. Can I go into the University buildings during the break and the period of distance learning?

"Entry into University buildings by students is prohibited (except as provided in section 2.2)." and "As from the entry into force of this Regulation, entry into higher education institutions by students is prohibited" (Rector's-Chancellor's Circular no.4/2020, Section 2.1, paragraph 1; Government Decree 41/2020, Section 4, subsection b).

17. Will the kitchens be open in the Hall of Residence?

Kitchens will be open and they can be used.

18. Will the restaurant be open during the break and the period of distance learning?

No, the restaurant will be closed, but on the ground floor of the Management Campus, from Monday to Friday the Sieger Sport Bar will be offering a daily set menu (soup + main course, one of which contains meat, the other being vegetarian) at a price similar to the restaurant.  In addition, the Üveges Bar and the Elixir Bar will be open at alternating times. Until 23 March, basic operation is provided and students will be provided with hot meals.

19. Where can I get up-to-date information about the university and the Hall of Residence?

You will find more information on, on, on the Centre of International Programmes' Facebook page, on Széchenyi István University's Facebook page, on the Student Union International committee page, and via e-mail.

20. Who can I ask further questions to?

For enquiries about accommodation contact:, for questions about your studies please get in touch with the head of the programme, and for other questions:

21. Can I go for physical education courses after the break?

"Completion of the compulsory semester (criterion requirement) for the semester shall be suspended during the period of the public health crisis." (Rector's-Chancellor's Circular no. 4/2020, paragraph 2.1 Section 6. b20.

22. Will the Hall of Residence gym be open during and after the break?

The gym in the Halls of Residence will be closed during the public health crisis.

23. Will the Centre of International Programmes be open during and after the break?

"For university staff, working days during the spring break are considered non-teaching work days" and "All student administration must be carried out electronically." Legal background: "From the date of entry into force of this Regulation, entry by students into higher education institutions is prohibited." (Rector's-Chancellor's Circular no. 4/2020, Section 2.1, Paragraph 1 and Section 2.3; Government Decree no. 41/2020 (III. 11), Section 4, subsection b)). It is not permitted to deal with administrational matters in person, only by e-mail and telephone.

24. My Student Card is going to expire, what do I do?

"For international students, the Centre of International Programmes will assist in the validation of student cards." (Rector's-Chancellor's Circular no. 4/2020,  point 2.3) . Students will receive further information on this subject.

25. Will the Academic Registry Office be open during and after the break?

"For university staff, working days during the spring break are considered non-teaching work days." but "All student administration must be carried out electronically." Legal background: "From the date of entry into force of this Regulation, entry by students into higher education institutions is prohibited." (Rector's-Chancellor's Circular no. 4/2020, Section 2.1 (1) and Section 2.3; Section 4 (b) of Government Decree no. 41/2020 (11 March)

26. Will there be any events on campus this semester?

“All events at Széchenyi István University are cancelled or, if possible, will be held at a later date. This includes all programmes organized centrally or by departments, as well as by the Student Union and its subdivisions. ” (Rector's Chancellor's Circular no. 4/2020) section 2.7)

27. Will the library be open during and after the break?

University libraries will be closed indefinitely from 13 March 2020. When closed, only online services will operate. Books loans can be extended through online catalogues or via the following contacts: Central Library -; Apáczai Csere János Faculty Library -; Library of Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law -; Library of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences - Any late returns charges incurred during the period of the closure will be cancelled.

28. Are the University and its associated buildings being disinfected?

The cleaning service of Széchenyi István University is paying even greater attention to disinfection. The frequency of cleaning work has been increased and extends to public areas and staircases. Washbasins, taps, toilet seats, pushbuttons and fingerprint readers are disinfected several times a day. The continuous inspection and refilling of disinfectant dispensers and liquid soap dispensers is ensured.


+ info: During your stay in the Hall of Residence, you should frequently use disinfectant and take out the rubbish. The Hall of Residence's house rules are also valid during the public health crisis, so if rules are contravened, once the emergency is over, you will be subject to disciplinary action.

H-9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. 


(Administration Building 103.)

0036/96/613-700, 0036/503-419

  am pm
Monday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Tuesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Wednesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Thursday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Friday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00