II WHB Győr Rally, Co-Organized by SZE, a Major Public Success
Category: English News Created: 2024.09.10 11:45 admissions.sze.hu

II_WHB_Gyor_Rally_2024_09_08_Fulop_Andras_016.jpgScreeching tyres, exhilarating speed, and electrifying performances: that is what the spectators experienced at the II WHB Győr Rally, a city event spanning Széchenyi István University’s campus and Dunakapu Square. The rally was a resounding success, drawing record crowds who not only enjoyed the thrilling displays but also gained deeper insights into the world of motorsport through the University's programmes.

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Former and Current SZE Students Celebrate Together at Albert Kázmér Faculty in Mosonmagyaróvár
Category: English News Created: 2024.09.09 15:59 admissions.sze.hu

The former students received their honorary diplomas at the opening ceremony of the Albert Kázmér Mosonmagyaróvár Faculty of Széchenyi István University. (Photo: András Adorján)Around 400 students started their studies at the Albert Kázmér Mosonmagyaróvár Faculty of Széchenyi István University in September. This year, the number of first-year students has grown by nearly 65 percent, building on last year's 43 percent increase. This surge occurred despite the fact that programme entry thresholds remained unchanged or, in many cases, they were even raised. Students were welcomed at the Faculty's opening ceremony, where prestigious awards were also presented.

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SZE Students Can Apply for Double Degree Programmes with Universities in Portugal, India, and Italy
Category: English News Created: 2024.09.09 13:34 admissions.sze.hu

kettős képzések_Kép1.jpgThis academic year, Széchenyi István University is launching three Double Degree Programmes with Portuguese, Indian and Italian universities, for which application is open to students until 15 September 2024. The four semester programmes include one and two semester stays abroad, for which substantial scholarship support is available.

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