SZEnergy presented its racing car: SZE’s team has prepared for the racing season

It was an unforgettable event when last summer the SZEnergy Team won Europe’s biggest energy efficiency car race with a world record. The team is competing in this year’s Shell-Eco Marathon where they are preparing to defend their title in the traditional urban concept category and are aiming at finishing on top in the autonomous category after finishing second last year. The student team of Széchenyi István University presented their developments and unveiled this year’s car at the institution. They are soon travelling to France where they are participating in the autonomous competition on 19th May.


It is worth remembering:

Last year the SZEnergy Team achieved the greatest success in their history when they won the urban concept category of the Shell-Eco Marathon with a near flawless performance, beating all its rivals, including the Universities of Munich, Toulouse and Milan.

This is an impressive achievement on a global scale as well: nobody before them has been able to achieve an energy efficiency of 284 km/kWh. Essentially, they covered kilometres on the track near Assen, the Netherlands using the energy of two hours of ironing or preparing 35 cups of coffee with the team’s electric-powered vehicle called SZEmission. (The car did not actually cover 284 kilometres in the race, this figure just indicates the pro-rated consumption calculated on the basis of the actual number of races completed.)


The winning SZEnergy Team at the 2022 Shell-Eco Marathon.


The team of Széchenyi István University has worked for several years to reach the top, as it has been competing in the urban concept category since 2013 which meant the end of the solar panel class. The present car had its first race in 2019, then it was refined for years to be able to achieve last year’s result. Plenty of small improvements, optimization, testing, that is the fruit of a lot of work ripened a year ago. Can it be further enhanced? And at all: can last year’s spectacular performance be repeated?


‘Based on last year’s world record, the SZEnergy Team is one of the best teams in the world. Of course it also means that this year we are competing against ourselves as well, and our biggest challenge is whether we are able to beat ourselves”, dr. Szauter Ferenc, the head of the Vehicle Research Centre of Széchenyi University and a former founding member highlighted, then added that the entire field is expected to try to live up to the set reference so a fierce fight is to be anticipated.


According to dr. Szauter Ferenc the SZEnergy Team proves the best that competition between students is the best form of education. (Photo: Májer Csaba József)


It is clear from the above that a repeat of the previous year’s performance may not be enough to win this year.

The team also knew that it would be foolish to dust off the world record holder car, instead they have focused on further improvements from the beginning of the preparation in order to remain competitive.


The reason why the champion car cannot remain unchanged is that the SZEnergy Team is a student team therefore its main goal is not to achieve results but to educate young professionals: young engineering students at Széchenyi István University can get hands-on experience similar to real projects during designing, building and racing that is why it is important for them to install something new to the car every year. This has not been different now either, in addition, the rule changes also required some modifications.


The SZEnergy Team. (Source: SZEnergy Team)


The team unveiled this year’s plan during the winter design freeze event, and now - as the last stage before the races - they presented this year’s vehicle and reported on their results so far. In the life of engineering construction racing teams this is called a rollout, which is a significant event as the phase of building and testing is completed, sharp competitions begin after this.

Traditionally the team makes a closed presentation for the sponsors, invited guests and members of the press on the development directions for the current year.


The rollout event was hosted at the Management Campus of Széchenyi István University. (Photo: Májer Csaba József)


‘This year we are participating in two races which will be held consecutively, or even partly parallel in Nogaro, France. The team is taking part in the autonomous category between 19 and 22 May, then from 20 May the car will be racing in the traditional energy efficiency races. In practice it means that we have to prepare both the vehicle and the team for the autonomous and piloted races which will not be easy either logistically or technically but we have done our best to meet this challenge’, Krecz Dávid the team leader of the SZEnergy Team emphasized.


The need to switch quickly between autonomous and conventional categories has led to the use of a modular powertrain, which means that the powertrain can be managed in a compact unit. The team only needs five minutes to change the powertrain fixed with some bolts in the vehicle.


Krecz Dávid explained that the most important development of the engineering department this year has been the clutch that is well-known from conventional cars as well, which allows them to switch between free-running and fixed drive.

This year more stops will be required due to the changes of the rules that is why the fixed drive enabling regenerative braking will also be needed. This allows the car to feed mechanical energy from braking back into the system. By installing the clutch, the driver will be allowed to switch between the two drives as he needs it, which could make future races much easier.


‘Our main aim with the new clutch was to disconnect drive elements from the powertrain when the car rolls freely without driving. It means that we have to carry less weight while rolling so our free-running losses are reduced’, Krecz Dávid, the team leader said. (Photo: Májer Csaba József)


It is also an innovation that the team has replaced former commercially available string strut with an elastomeric shock absorber of their own design.

As the spiral string component was sized for a much bigger load, it was necessary to artificially increase the loading force on it by means of transmission. The transmission has meant extra weight, but it can be omitted with the new shock absorber specially developed for the vehicle, which means further weight reduction for the car. As there are four of the devices hidden in the car, the savings should be multiplied by four.


It can be seen from the above that the students found plenty of opportunities for modification and refinement in the car which had previously been highly refined. Nevertheless, there were modifications that were introduced based on the experiences of previous years, such as the shading of the Lidar sensor. A sensor of this type scans the surrounding environment with a multitude of laser beams, so sunrays can slightly degrade the accuracy of the measurement. It can easily be avoided by using shading.

‘Our tyres have also been renewed. It was necessary because the tread of the previous tyre did not have enough ribs so the judges did not consider it safe enough in rainy weather. The current tyres cannot be criticised in this way. In order to obey rules immaculately, we have replaced our windscreen wipers, we are using our own blades, and we have modified the five-point safety belt.’, the team leader added.


The new string strut is much lighter than the previous one. (Source: SZEnergy Team)


Kecskeméti István, head of department presented the developments of the electronics department and he indicated: although they are glad that consumption has been reduced under one watt, they had to work hard to achieve this again this year. But the team is planning to cut other hundredths off the car’s energy consumption.

‘We have been working on driving cycle optimisation for years. This means that we are able to simulate track conditions and the car’s driveability, thus we can design on the computer what a perfect track would be like. On the basis of this we can always achieve the best energy balance. The simulation may not be perfect, as we can never fully reproduce reality, but the driving cycle calculated from it gives the pilot a very good point of support. Indeed the programme tells you whether you need to speed up or slow down on a particular part of the track in order to get the best results. Previously this control interface ran on a tablet mounted in the dashboard, but this year it will be replaced by a small LED display integrated into the steering wheel which is not only more practical but also consumes less, Kecskeméti István detailed the advantages of the new solution.


The picture shows the display built into the steering wheel that will indicate the telemetry data to the pilot. (Photo: Májer Csaba József)


The electronics department also faced a great challenge of rethinking the autonomous hardware platform. This unit is responsible for operating all the autonomous driving functions (including the sensors) since all the relevant control and computing elements have been placed on a single board. The advantage of this solution is that it can be easily removed from the car, so there is no need to deal with excess weight or fuel consumption in conventional racing events. The vehicle only uses the sensors during the autonomous tasks, otherwise they are not needed.

‘Since in unmanned mode the car detects the clear path using a stereo camera, it is very important that we have doubled the computing capacity with the help of a new nVidia Jetson. What is even more important is that a dedicated device will be able to handle the video-based image processing so we will not have to share the capacity of our control unit, but there will be a separate hardware working on it’, Kecskeméti Istávn explained the development.


Replacing the motor controller, which has been in use for more than six years, some energy-saving can become available, but this is not the only reason for the change: the new design will be more advanced in terms of hardware and software than its predecessor, Kecskeméti István said. (Photo: Májer Csaba József)


Unger Miklós, head of the autonomous department of the SZEnergy Team gave details about the self-driving functions. He recalled that the team was ranked 2nd in the autonomous event. This year the aim is to win in this event as well, but this will be difficult to achieve for two reasons: firstly, they should win in a field which is significantly wider and stronger than last year, secondly, the organisers have modified the way the race is run which means that a single, complex tasks with several parts must be completed instead of separate tasks (avoiding obstacles, parking, slaloming).

Once the system has been started, the teams do not have any opportunities to intervene until the end of the track. This is a much more complicated operation, which means a huge challenge, thus it requires serious preparation.


‘The autonomous functions are going to be solved at three levels, in three steps. We are using a camera and a Lidar sensor to detect the environment and are trying to determine where the free driving surface is in the foreground of the car using a neural network. During route planning we use trajectory, in other words we calculate a track line which will be transmitted to the car by a route-tracking algorithm, transmitting speed and steering angle parameters to the control system that will steer the car’, the head of department briefly outlined the background of the autonomous functions.


Unger Miklós pointed out that in case more vehicles obtained the same scores after completing the tasks, the final ranking will be decided on the basis of the presentation of the teams. (Photo: Májer Csaba József)


After the event everyone had the chance to see the team’s world record holder car in person. (Photo: Májer Csaba József)


SZE Ranked in Top 400 in QS European Rankings, Improves 12 places

SZE Ranked in Top 400 in QS European Rankings, Improves 12 places

Széchenyi István University has improved its ranking by 12 places compared to last year's results and is again in the top 400 in the latest European ranking of Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), published on 10 July. According to the detailed information, the institution's corporate perception is particularly outstanding, ranking 109th best on the continent.

SZE participates in the European University Games with a large team

SZE participates in the European University Games with a large team

The largest Hungarian delegation ever will participate in the European University Games, which officially start on Friday in Debrecen and Miskolc. Széchenyi István University will be represented by 17 athletes at the multi-sport event.

SZE Hosts Master Class for Hungarian Language Teachers Abroad

SZE Hosts Master Class for Hungarian Language Teachers Abroad

From Switzerland to Australia, 21 participants from ten countries are taking part in the short study programme offering micro credential for teachers of Hungarian language and culture in the diaspora, which is being held by Széchenyi István University. The programme, supported by the State Secretariat for National Policy, will provide students with good practices that they can use to improve the quality of Hungarian education abroad.

SZE Student Wins Bronze at World University Rowing Championships

SZE Student Wins Bronze at World University Rowing Championships

SZE Student Wins Bronze at World University Rowing Championships

The Olympic champion epée fencer wrote her thesis on the Olympics at SZE

The Olympic champion epée fencer wrote her thesis on the Olympics at SZE

Emese Szász, the Olympic champion of Rio, successfully defended her thesis at the Széchenyi István University's Hungarian-taught and postgraduate specialist training course in Sports Diplomacy. In her thesis, she examined three Olympic events from the perspective of sustainability. After the final examination, the former top epée fencer and sports director also revealed how she expects the Hungarian team to perform at the Paris Summer Games and the role of sport in the lives of her twins.

Second Permanent Exhibition of Jewish Excellence in Hungary Opened by SZE

Second Permanent Exhibition of Jewish Excellence in Hungary Opened by SZE

Széchenyi István University, in partnership with the foundation that maintains it, has established Hungary's second Jewish Excellence Exhibition in the former synagogue of Győr, now functioning as the University Concert Hall. The permanent exhibition, which opened on 6 July, features the life stories of over 400 Jewish scientists, artists and athletes, ranging from Albert Einstein to Mark Spitz and Miklós Radnóti.

SZE’s Albert Kázmér Mosonmagyaróvár Faculty Opens the Series of Summer Graduation Ceremonies

SZE’s Albert Kázmér Mosonmagyaróvár Faculty Opens the Series of Summer Graduation Ceremonies

Széchenyi István University’s first summer graduation ceremony was held at the Albert Kázmér Mosonmagyaróvár Faculty on 5 July. Dr Tamás Tóth, Dean, and Dr István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, welcomed the new graduates. At the event, the State Stud Farm at Szilvásvárad was awarded the title of model farm.

Dr Péter Vári, Professor at SZE, Deputy Director General of NMHH, receives Bay Zoltán Prize

Dr Péter Vári, Professor at SZE, Deputy Director General of NMHH, receives Bay Zoltán Prize

Dr Péter Vári, Associate Professor at Széchenyi István University and Deputy Director-General of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH), has been awarded the Bay Zoltán Prize by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He continues to make it his priority to support the education of quality engineering students and the activities of student excellence.

Skills development and project-based learning are focus of SZE’s educational reform 

Skills development and project-based learning are focus of SZE’s educational reform 

Placing students at the centre, the University has embarked on a comprehensive overhaul of its programmes. The institution aims to enhance the quality of its practical education while developing young people's skills and increasing learning efficiency through new methodologies. By 2030, all the University’s programmes are expected to include project-based learning modules.

European Championship Commentator György Korsós Educates Future Sports Professionals at SZE

European Championship Commentator György Korsós Educates Future Sports Professionals at SZE

György Korsós is an associate professor at the Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences of Széchenyi István University and commentator for the European Football Championship. The former national football team player obtained his Bachelor's and Master's degrees at this University and in addition to his lecturing duties, he is also a student on the English-taught programme at the Doctoral School of Regional Sciences and Business Administration & Management Sciences.

Szigetköz-Csallóköz: SZE supports regional cooperation with its partners

Szigetköz-Csallóköz: SZE supports regional cooperation with its partners

Széchenyi István University hosted the event titled "The Water We Desired" on the regional development of Szigetköz and Csallóköz, organised by the university in cooperation with the Győr-Moson-Sopron County Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the General Directorate of Water Management. At the event, the Minister of Public Administration and Regional Development, Dr Tibor Navracsics, stressed that only cooperation can lead to economic development.

ART Unveils New Car: Széchenyi Team Ready for Races

ART Unveils New Car: Széchenyi Team Ready for Races

Less weight, more reliability - that's how the Arrabona Racing Team (ART), celebrating its tenth anniversary, describes this year's car. The Formula Student team from Széchenyi István University presented its new car at a rollout event, which could help the team to return to the top of the standings after learning from last season's experiences.

SZE Students Key to Hungarian EU Presidency in Second Half of Year

SZE Students Key to Hungarian EU Presidency in Second Half of Year

Another opportunity for talents: three students from Széchenyi István University will play important roles as delegation liaison officers in the second half of Hungary's 2024 EU Presidency. The selection was the result of a multi-stage process. The young students will work with foreign delegations.

Best of Design Campus: an exhibition of the best works of SZE students in the Cube

Best of Design Campus: an exhibition of the best works of SZE students in the Cube

The best works of the design students of Széchenyi István University have been presented in a spectacular exhibition at the University’s Science & Innovation Park in Győr, the Cube. After the opening of the exhibition, which included a fashion show, the first graduates of the Design Campus were given a farewell party.

SZE builds international relations in the United States of America

SZE builds international relations in the United States of America

Széchenyi István University strengthened its international relations in the United States of America. The delegation from the institution participated in the Hungarian Summit event for the third time, and for the first time in the Association of International Educators (NAFSA) World Education Fair.

Unique Club of SZE Organises Cultural Programmes for International Students

Unique Club of SZE Organises Cultural Programmes for International Students

For the third year running, the Hungarian Club at Széchenyi István University is organizing cultural programs for international students. Through this initiative, young people studying at the institution and living away from home were able to take part in three excursions to Hungarian cultural and natural sites in the spring semester.

SZE Celebrates International Day of Yoga with Joint Practice 

SZE Celebrates International Day of Yoga with Joint Practice 

The International Day of Yoga was celebrated again this year at the Széchenyi István University in Győr. On this occasion, the Head of the Chancellery of the Embassy of India in Hungary, the motherland of yoga, Rajeev Kumar, welcomed the participants, for whom the Yoga in Everyday Life Association and the Amrita Sher-Gil Cultural Centre also held a class at the event.

One of the Lightest Boats in the World by SZE's Concrete Boat Team 

One of the Lightest Boats in the World by SZE's Concrete Boat Team 

SZEnavis, the concrete canoe team of the Széchenyi István University, was the only Hungarian team to achieve top results at the 19th German Concrete Canoe Regatta, which was attended by more than forty universities from seven countries. The students of the University use new technology to build their boats for each competition, and this year only a few grams separated them from being the lightest in the field. 

SZE enters into partnership with a leading South Korean testing laboratory

SZE enters into partnership with a leading South Korean testing laboratory

A milestone for Széchenyi István University and its Digital Development Centre is the agreement the institution recently signed with the Korea Testing Laboratory. The partnership opens up new perspectives in the field of joint research and development and innovation projects, and may also contribute to technological developments in Hungary and Korea.

Strategic cooperation agreement signed between Agrofert, a.s. and SZE

Strategic cooperation agreement signed between Agrofert, a.s. and SZE

Széchenyi István University considers the continuous expansion of its industrial relations a priority. As one of the important steps in this direction, on 13 June Széchenyi Szent István University signed a strategic partnership agreement with Agrofert, a.s. in Prague, at the group's headquarters.

Lucrative career opportunities attracted the Chinese student of SZE to Győr

Lucrative career opportunities attracted the Chinese student of SZE to Győr

Zhang Sicong from China came to the Széchenyi István University to gain a truly broad range of knowledge, where he is studying for a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering after completing his Bachelor's degree in Vehicle Engineering. The international student was attracted by the industrial opportunities in Győr and after his years at the University he would like to put the knowledge he has gained here to use at a large company in Győr.

SZE’s world record-breaking car is protected by a design patent

SZE’s world record-breaking car is protected by a design patent

Széchenyi István University pays special attention to the protection of its intellectual property: the work of its researchers and students is protected by a series of registered patents, design patents and trademarks. This time, the shape of the three-time world champion car of the SZEnergy Team has been registered under a design patent, which legally guarantees that the winning bodywork of the student engineering team will remain inimitable in the future.

SZE signs a strategic cooperation agreement with the Bonafarm Group

SZE signs a strategic cooperation agreement with the Bonafarm Group

This agreement aims to advance the University's practice-oriented educational strategy and to develop a comprehensive service portfolio for the agricultural and food industries, as well as the competitive sector. Additionally, the establishment of a university knowledge centre that caters to both student and industry needs is a priority.

SZE participates in an international project on health counselling

SZE participates in an international project on health counselling

Széchenyi István University is participating in a three-year Erasmus+ programme with Polish and German partners. Focusing on vocational training, the project aims to develop a family health counselling model that responds to modern needs.

SZE hosted the Hungarian transport profession at a prestigious conference

SZE hosted the Hungarian transport profession at a prestigious conference

Széchenyi István University and the Association of Transport Sciences organised the XIV International Conference on Transport Sciences in Győr under the motto “Navigating the path of the future”. Participants were able to listen to 88 presentations and interesting round-table discussions on the current issues of the sector from prominent representatives of the profession and leaders of transport companies. The institution also involved international students, who participated in the scientific sessions in English.

Brewpub “Apátúr” of SZE and the Benedictine Priory becomes ambassador for Kreinbacher

Brewpub “Apátúr” of SZE and the Benedictine Priory becomes ambassador for Kreinbacher

The Kreinbacher Estate is aiming to create a culture of champagne drinking by building an ambassador network of premium quality restaurants. In Győr, the Brewpub “Apátúr”, owned by the Széchenyi István University and the Saint Maurus Benedictine priory, was the first to achieve the certification, joining the Kreinbacher Ambassador Programme.


Leadec Ltd. celebrates 30th anniversary at SZE

Leadec Ltd. celebrates 30th anniversary at SZE

Leadec Ltd. celebrates its 30th anniversary this year: through its predecessors, it has been providing industrial services to the largest Hungarian companies since 1994. The company, led by two alumni of Széchenyi István University, celebrated its anniversary in the University's concert hall.

SZE and Xuzhou University of Technology signed a Memorandum of Understanding

SZE and Xuzhou University of Technology signed a Memorandum of Understanding

Széchenyi István University and the Xuzhou University of Technology plan to establish cooperation in the fields of education, research and culture. The representatives of the two institutions have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to enter into a partnership.

Among the Best in the World: SZE advances in THE Impact Rankings

Among the Best in the World: SZE advances in THE Impact Rankings

Széchenyi István University has for the fifth time secured its place among the world's top universities, advancing to the 601-800 range on the Times Higher Education (THE) list. This prestigious international ranking organization assesses universities based on their contributions to sustainability and their economic and social impacts. Notably, the University is now among the top 200 globally in the "Sustainable Cities and Communities" category.

RUN-EU PLUS: international short training programmes and workshops organised by SZE

RUN-EU PLUS: international short training programmes and workshops organised by SZE

Széchenyi István University was the main organiser of the English-taught short study programmes and workshops of the “RUN-EU ProfessionaL research programmes for bUsiness and Society” (RUN-EU PLUS) project this semester. The events focused on research paradigms, higher education-industry partnerships and techniques to address the main fears of young people.

SZE won the national dragon boat competition

SZE won the national dragon boat competition

Shortly after Széchenyi István University won both the men's and women's decathlon events of the Hungarian National University Championships (MEFOB), the institution has achieved another national success, this time in dragon boat racing. The team from Győr was able to stand on the top step of the podium at the university regatta. The SZE students scooped another seven gold medals at the Hungarian National Championships.

Student exchange programmes, joint education - Yantai and SZE discussed cooperation

Student exchange programmes, joint education - Yantai and SZE discussed cooperation

To strengthen its international relations, Széchenyi István University recently received a delegation from Yantai University in China. The two institutions have signed a cooperation agreement committing themselves to a partnership, the first step of which could be the establishment of a student exchange programme.

They graduated fifty years ago - SZE saluted engineers with gold diplomas

They graduated fifty years ago - SZE saluted engineers with gold diplomas

Almost a hundred people received their gold diplomas in person at an event held in two parts at Széchenyi István University on 6 June. The ceremony, during which engineers and technicians who graduated from the predecessor Technical College of Transportation and Telecommunications (abbreviated as KTMF in Hungarian) over the past fifty years were honoured, took place for the third time this year.

Széchenyi University team supplies engines for two racing cars and develops hybrid drive

Széchenyi University team supplies engines for two racing cars and develops hybrid drive

Whatever happens during the racing season, 2024 will be written in capital letters in the SZEngine Team's chronicle book: on the one hand, two Formula Student teams will have cars with hearts from Győr this year, and on the other hand, the team is opening up to hybrid drives for the first time, so much so that they will be testing the innovative technology in the autumn. The team of engine development students from Széchenyi University unveiled their developments at the usual pre-race rollout event.

Professors from Italian MotorValley visit Győr: SZE building Italian relations

Professors from Italian MotorValley visit Győr: SZE building Italian relations

The delegation from MUNER – Motorvehicle University of Emilia-Romagna and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE) visited Széchenyi István University in the hopes of building future partnerships. The vehicle engineering professors were introduced to the ZalaZone proving ground in Zalaegerszeg and teaching and research activities at the University’s campus in Győr.

SZE student wins two gold medals at the World University Cycling Championship

SZE student wins two gold medals at the World University Cycling Championship

Petra Zsankó, a student of Technical Management at Széchenyi István University, won two gold medals and one sixth place at the FISU World University Cycling Championship in Costa Rica, which ended on 2 June. The athlete triumphed in the criterium and individual time trial events.

SZE Strengthens its Position among the Best in QS World University Rankings

SZE Strengthens its Position among the Best in QS World University Rankings

Széchenyi István University has once again secured its place among the top institutions in the latest world rankings published by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a leading higher education rating organization. This achievement is attributed to the University's excellent corporate and academic reputation and its student-to-teacher ratio reflecting the high-quality education.

Sustainability was the focus of the international programme organised with Széchenyi University

Sustainability was the focus of the international programme organised with Széchenyi University

Ten students and two lecturers from the Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport Sciences of the Széchenyi István University participated in a recent Erasmus workshop organised by the Politehnica University Timisoara. The programme, which focused on sustainable materials, provided the students with useful experience and the Győr-based institution with new international contacts.

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Tuesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
Wednesday  10:00-12:00 12:30-14:00
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